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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 43 #807

Closed pyup-bot closed 1 year ago

pyup-bot commented 1 year ago

Update alembic from 1.4.2 to 1.8.1.

Changelog ### 1.7.5 ``` :include_notes_from: unreleased .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.7.4 ``` :released: October 6, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, regression :tickets: 934 Fixed a regression that prevented the use of post write hooks on python version lower than 3.9 .. change:: :tags: bug, environment :tickets: 944 Fixed issue where the :meth:`.MigrationContext.autocommit_block` feature would fail to function when using a SQLAlchemy engine using 2.0 future mode. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.7.3 ``` :released: September 17, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, mypy :tickets: 914 Fixed type annotations for the "constraint_name" argument of operations ``create_primary_key()``, ``create_foreign_key()``. Pull request courtesy TilmanK. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.7.2 ``` :released: September 17, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, typing :tickets: 900 Added missing attributes from context stubs. .. change:: :tags: bug, mypy :tickets: 897 Fixed an import in one of the .pyi files that was triggering an assertion error in some versions of mypy. .. change:: :tags: bug, regression, ops :tickets: 920 Fixed issue where registration of custom ops was prone to failure due to the registration process running ``exec()`` on generated code that as of the 1.7 series includes pep-484 annotations, which in the case of end user code would result in name resolution errors when the exec occurs. The logic in question has been altered so that the annotations are rendered as forward references so that the ``exec()`` can proceed. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` :released: August 30, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, installation :tickets: 893 Corrected "universal wheel" directive in setup.cfg so that building a wheel does not target Python 2. The PyPi files index for 1.7.0 was corrected manually. Pull request courtesy layday. .. change:: :tags: bug, pep484 :tickets: 895 Fixed issue in generated .pyi files where default values for ``Optional`` arguments were missing, thereby causing mypy to consider them as required. .. change:: :tags: bug, regression, batch :tickets: 896 Fixed regression in batch mode due to :ticket:`883` where the "auto" mode of batch would fail to accommodate any additional migration directives beyond encountering an ``add_column()`` directive, due to a mis-application of the conditional logic that was added as part of this change, leading to "recreate" mode not being used in cases where it is required for SQLite such as for unique constraints. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` :released: August 30, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, operations :tickets: 879 Fixed regression due to :ticket:`803` where the ``.info`` and ``.comment`` attributes of ``Table`` would be lost inside of the :class:`.DropTableOp` class, which when "reversed" into a :class:`.CreateTableOp` would then have lost these elements. Pull request courtesy Nicolas CANIART. .. change:: :tags: feature, environment :tickets: 842 Enhance ``version_locations`` parsing to handle paths containing spaces. The new configuration option ``version_path_separator`` specifies the character to use when splitting the ``version_locations`` string. The default for new configurations is ``version_path_separator = os``, which will use ``os.pathsep`` (e.g., ``;`` on Windows). .. change:: :tags: installation, changed Alembic 1.7 now supports Python 3.6 and above; support for prior versions including Python 2.7 has been dropped. .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite, batch :tickets: 883 Batch "auto" mode will now select for "recreate" if the ``add_column()`` operation is used on SQLite, and the column itself meets the criteria for SQLite where ADD COLUMN is not allowed, in this case a functional or parenthesized SQL expression or a ``Computed`` (i.e. generated) column. .. change:: :tags: changed, installation :tickets: 674 Make the ``python-dateutil`` library an optional dependency. This library is only required if the ``timezone`` option is used in the Alembic configuration. An extra require named ``tz`` is available with ``pip install alembic[tz]`` to install it. .. change:: :tags: bug, commands :tickets: 856 Re-implemented the ``python-editor`` dependency as a small internal function to avoid the need for external dependencies. .. change:: :tags: usecase, batch :tickets: 884 Named CHECK constraints are now supported by batch mode, and will automatically be part of the recreated table assuming they are named. They also can be explicitly dropped using ``op.drop_constraint()``. For "unnamed" CHECK constraints, these are still skipped as they cannot be distinguished from the CHECK constraints that are generated by the ``Boolean`` and ``Enum`` datatypes. Note that this change may require adjustments to migrations that drop or rename columns which feature an associated named check constraint, such that an additional ``op.drop_constraint()`` directive should be added for that named constraint as there will no longer be an associated column for it; for the ``Boolean`` and ``Enum`` datatypes, an ``existing_type`` keyword may be passed to ``BatchOperations.drop_constraint`` as well. .. seealso:: :ref:`batch_schematype_constraints` :ref:`batch_check_constraints` .. change:: :tags: changed, installation :tickets: 885 The dependency on ``pkg_resources`` which is part of ``setuptools`` has been removed, so there is no longer any runtime dependency on ``setuptools``. The functionality has been replaced with ``importlib.metadata`` and ``importlib.resources`` which are both part of Python std.lib, or via pypy dependency ``importlib-metadata`` for Python version < 3.8 and ``importlib-resources`` for Python version < 3.9 (while importlib.resources was added to Python in 3.7, it did not include the "files" API until 3.9). .. change:: :tags: feature, tests :tickets: 855 Created a "test suite" similar to the one for SQLAlchemy, allowing developers of third-party dialects to test their code against a set of Alembic tests that have been specially selected to exercise back-end database operations. At the time of release, third-party dialects that have adopted the Alembic test suite to verify compatibility include `CockroachDB <https://pypi.org/project/sqlalchemy-cockroachdb/>`_ and `SAP ASE (Sybase) <https://pypi.org/project/sqlalchemy-sybase/>`_. .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 874 Fixed issue where usage of the PostgreSQL ``postgresql_include`` option within a :meth:`.Operations.create_index` would raise a KeyError, as the additional column(s) need to be added to the table object used by the construct internally. The issue is equivalent to the SQL Server issue fixed in :ticket:`513`. Pull request courtesy Steven Bronson. .. change:: :tags: feature, general pep-484 type annotations have been added throughout the library. Additionally, stub .pyi files have been added for the "dynamically" generated Alembic modules ``alembic.op`` and ``alembic.config``, which include complete function signatures and docstrings, so that the functions in these namespaces will have both IDE support (vscode, pycharm, etc) as well as support for typing tools like Mypy. The files themselves are statically generated from their source functions within the source tree. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.5 ``` :released: May 27, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 849 Fixed issue where dialect-specific keyword arguments within the :class:`.DropIndex` operation directive would not render in the autogenerated Python code. As support was improved for adding dialect specific arguments to directives as part of :ticket:`803`, in particular arguments such as "postgresql_concurrently" which apply to the actual create/drop of the index, support was needed for these to render even in a drop index operation. Pull request courtesy Jet Zhou. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.4 ``` :released: May 24, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, regression, op directives :tickets: 848 Fixed regression caused by just fixed :ticket:`844` that scaled back the filter for ``unique=True/index=True`` too far such that these directives no longer worked for the ``op.create_table()`` op, this has been fixed. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.3 ``` :released: May 21, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, regression, autogenerate :tickets: 844 Fixed 1.6-series regression where ``UniqueConstraint`` and to a lesser extent ``Index`` objects would be doubled up in the generated model when the ``unique=True`` / ``index=True`` flags were used. .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 839 Fixed a bug where paths defined in post-write hook options would be wrongly escaped in non posix environment (Windows). .. change:: :tags: bug, regression, versioning :tickets: 843 Fixed regression where a revision file that contained its own down revision as a dependency would cause an endless loop in the traversal logic. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.2 ``` :released: May 6, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, versioning, regression :tickets: 839 Fixed additional regression nearly the same as that of :ticket:`838` just released in 1.6.1 but within a slightly different codepath, where "alembic downgrade head" (or equivalent) would fail instead of iterating no revisions. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.1 ``` :released: May 6, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, versioning, regression :tickets: 838 Fixed regression in new revisioning traversal where "alembic downgrade base" would fail if the database itself were clean and unversioned; additionally repairs the case where downgrade would fail if attempting to downgrade to the current head that is already present. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` :released: May 3, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 803 Refactored the implementation of :class:`.MigrateOperation` constructs such as :class:`.CreateIndexOp`, :class:`.CreateTableOp`, etc. so that they no longer rely upon maintaining a persistent version of each schema object internally; instead, the state variables of each operation object will be used to produce the corresponding construct when the operation is invoked. The rationale is so that environments which make use of operation-manipulation schemes such as those those discussed in :ref:`autogen_rewriter` are better supported, allowing end-user code to manipulate the public attributes of these objects which will then be expressed in the final output, an example is ``some_create_index_op.kw["postgresql_concurrently"] = True``. Previously, these objects when generated from autogenerate would typically hold onto the original, reflected element internally without honoring the other state variables of each construct, preventing the public API from working. .. change:: :tags: bug, environment :tickets: 829 Fixed regression caused by the SQLAlchemy 1.4/2.0 compatibility switch where calling ``.rollback()`` or ``.commit()`` explicitly within the ``context.begin_transaction()`` context manager would cause it to fail when the block ended, as it did not expect that the transaction was manually closed. .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 827 Improved the rendering of ``op.add_column()`` operations when adding multiple columns to an existing table, so that the order of these statements matches the order in which the columns were declared in the application's table metadata. Previously the added columns were being sorted alphabetically. .. change:: :tags: feature, autogenerate :tickets: 819 Fix the documentation regarding the default command-line argument position of the revision script filename within the post-write hook arguments. Implement a ``REVISION_SCRIPT_FILENAME`` token, enabling the position to be changed. Switch from ``str.split()`` to ``shlex.split()`` for more robust command-line argument parsing. .. change:: :tags: feature :tickets: 822 Implement a ``.cwd`` (current working directory) suboption for post-write hooks (of type ``console_scripts``). This is useful for tools like pre-commit, which rely on the working directory to locate the necessary config files. Add pre-commit as an example to the documentation. Minor change: rename some variables from ticket 819 to improve readability. .. change:: :tags: bug, versioning :tickets: 765, 464 The algorithm used for calculating downgrades/upgrades/iterating revisions has been rewritten, to resolve ongoing issues of branches not being handled consistently particularly within downgrade operations, as well as for overall clarity and maintainability. This change includes that a deprecation warning is emitted if an ambiguous command such as "downgrade -1" when multiple heads are present is given. In particular, the change implements a long-requested use case of allowing downgrades of a single branch to a branchpoint. Huge thanks to Simon Bowly for their impressive efforts in successfully tackling this very difficult problem. .. change:: :tags: bug, batch :tickets: 799 Added missing ``batch_op.create_table_comment()``, ``batch_op.drop_table_comment()`` directives to batch ops. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.8 ``` :released: March 23, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, environment :tickets: 816 Fixed regression caused by SQLAlchemy 1.4 where the "alembic current" command would fail due to changes in the ``URL`` object. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.7 ``` :released: March 11, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 813 Adjusted the recently added :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name` hook to accommodate for additional object types such as "views" that don't have a parent table, to support third party recipes and extensions. Pull request courtesy Oliver Rice. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.6 ``` :released: March 5, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, mssql, operations :tickets: 812 Fixed bug where the "existing_type" parameter, which the MSSQL dialect requires in order to change the nullability of a column in the absence of also changing the column type, would cause an ALTER COLUMN operation to incorrectly render a second ALTER statement without the nullability if a new type were also present, as the MSSQL-specific contract did not anticipate all three of "nullability", "type_" and "existing_type" being sent at the same time. .. change:: :tags: template :ticket: 805 Add async template to Alembic to bootstrap environments that use async DBAPI. Updated the cookbook to include a migration guide on how to adapt an existing environment for use with DBAPI drivers. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.5 ``` :released: February 20, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug Adjusted the use of SQLAlchemy's ".copy()" internals to use "._copy()" for version 1.4.0, as this method is being renamed. .. change:: :tags: bug, environment :tickets: 797 Added new config file option ``prepend_sys_path``, which is a series of paths that will be prepended to sys.path; the default value in newly generated alembic.ini files is ".". This fixes a long-standing issue where for some reason running the alembic command line would not place the local "." path in sys.path, meaning an application locally present in "." and importable through normal channels, e.g. python interpreter, pytest, etc. would not be located by Alembic, even though the ``env.py`` file is loaded relative to the current path when ``alembic.ini`` contains a relative path. To enable for existing installations, add the option to the alembic.ini file as follows:: sys.path path, will be prepended to sys.path if present. defaults to the current working directory. prepend_sys_path = . .. seealso:: :ref:`installation` - updated documentation reflecting that local installation of the project is not necessary if running the Alembic cli from the local path. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.4 ``` :released: February 3, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, versioning :tickets: 789 Fixed bug in versioning model where a downgrade across a revision with a dependency on another branch, yet an ancestor is also dependent on that branch, would produce an erroneous state in the alembic_version table, making upgrades impossible without manually repairing the table. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.3 ``` :released: January 29, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 786 Changed the default ordering of "CREATE" and "DROP" statements indexes and unique constraints within the autogenerate process, so that for example in an upgrade() operation, a particular index or constraint that is to be replaced such as for a casing convention change will not produce any naming conflicts. For foreign key constraint objects, this is already how constraints are ordered, and for table objects, users would normally want to use :meth:`.Operations.rename_table` in any case. .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate, mssql :tickets: 787 Fixed assorted autogenerate issues with SQL Server: * ignore default reflected identity on primary_key columns * improve server default comparison .. change:: :tags: bug, mysql, autogenerate :tickets: 788 Fixed issue where autogenerate rendering of ``op.alter_column()`` would fail to include MySQL ``existing_nullable=False`` if the column were part of a primary key constraint within the table metadata. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.2 ``` :released: January 20, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, versioning, regression :tickets: 784 Fixed regression where new "loop detection" feature introduced in :ticket:`757` produced false positives for revision names that have overlapping substrings between revision number and down revision and/or dependency, if the downrev/dependency were not in sequence form. .. change:: :tags: bug, environment :tickets: 782 Fixed regression where Alembic would fail to create a transaction properly if the :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection` were a so-called "branched" connection, that is, one where the ``.connect()`` method had been called to create a "sub" connection. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` :released: January 19, 2021 .. change:: :tags: bug, installation, commands :tickets: 780 Fixed installation issue where the "templates" directory was not being installed, preventing commands like "list_templates" and "init" from working. .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.5.0 ``` :released: January 18, 2021 .. change:: :tags: usecase, operations :tickets: 730 Added support for rendering of "identity" elements on :class:`.Column` objects, supported in SQLAlchemy via the :class:`.Identity` element introduced in version 1.4. Adding columns with identity is supported on PostgreSQL, MSSQL and Oracle. Changing the identity options or removing it is supported only on PostgreSQL and Oracle. .. change:: :tags: changed, environment To accommodate SQLAlchemy 1.4 and 2.0, the migration model now no longer assumes that the SQLAlchemy Connection will autocommit an individual operation. This essentially means that for databases that use non-transactional DDL (pysqlite current driver behavior, MySQL), there is still a BEGIN/COMMIT block that will surround each individual migration. Databases that support transactional DDL should continue to have the same flow, either per migration or per-entire run, depending on the value of the :paramref:`.Environment.configure.transaction_per_migration` flag. .. change:: :tags: changed, environment A :class:`.CommandError` is raised if a ``sqlalchemy.engine.Engine`` is passed to the :meth:`.MigrationContext.configure` method instead of a ``sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`` object. Previously, this would be a warning only. .. change:: :tags: bug, operations :tickets: 753 Modified the ``add_column()`` operation such that the ``Column`` object in use is shallow copied to a new instance if that ``Column`` is already attached to a ``table()`` or ``Table``. This accommodates for the change made in SQLAlchemy issue 5618 which prohibits a ``Column`` from being associated with multiple ``table()`` objects. This resumes support for using a ``Column`` inside of an Alembic operation that already refers to a parent ``table()`` or ``Table`` as well as allows operation objects just autogenerated to work. .. change:: :tags: feature, autogenerate :tickets: 650 Added new hook :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`, which complements the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object` hook by providing a means of preventing objects of a certain name from being autogenerated **before** the SQLAlchemy reflection process takes place, and notably includes explicit support for passing each schema name when :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` is set to True. This is most important especially for environments that make use of :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` where schemas are actually databases (e.g. MySQL) in order to prevent reflection sweeps of the entire server. .. seealso:: :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks` - new documentation section .. change:: :tags: removed, autogenerate The long deprecated :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_symbol` hook is removed. The :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object` and :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name` hooks both achieve the goals of this hook. .. change:: :tags: bug, autogenerate :tickets: 721 Added rendering for the ``Table.prefixes`` element to autogenerate so that the rendered Python code includes these directives. Pull request courtesy Rodrigo Ce Moretto. .. change:: :tags: bug, batch :tickets: 761 Added missing "create comment" feature for columns that are altered in batch migrations. .. change:: :tags: changed :tickets: 748 Alembic 1.5.0 now supports **Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 and above**, as well as **SQLAlchemy 1.3.0 and above**. Support is removed for Python 3 versions prior to 3.6 and SQLAlchemy versions prior to the 1.3 series. .. change:: :tags: bug, batch :tickets: 773 Made an adjustment to the PostgreSQL dialect to allow it to work more effectively in batch mode, where a datatype like Boolean or non-native Enum that may have embedded rules to generate CHECK constraints will be more correctly handled in that these constraints usually will not have been generated on the PostgreSQL backend; previously it would inadvertently assume they existed unconditionally in a special PG-only "drop constraint" step. .. change:: :tags: feature, versioning :tickets: 757 The revision tree is now checked for cycles and loops between revision files when the revision environment is loaded up. Scenarios such as a revision pointing to itself, or a revision that can reach itself via a loop, are handled and will raise the :class:`.CycleDetected` exception when the environment is loaded (expressed from the Alembic commandline as a failure message and nonzero return code). Previously, these situations were silently ignored up front, and the behavior of revision traversal would either be silently incorrect, or would produce errors such as :class:`.RangeNotAncestorError`. Pull request courtesy Koichiro Den. .. change:: :tags: usecase, commands Add ``__main__.py`` file to alembic package to support invocation with ``python -m alembic``. .. change:: :tags: removed, commands Removed deprecated ``--head_only`` option to the ``alembic current`` command .. change:: :tags: removed, operations Removed legacy parameter names from operations, these have been emitting warnings since version 0.8. In the case that legacy version files have not yet been updated, these can be modified directly in order to maintain compatibility: * :meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint` - "type" (use "type_") and "name" (use "constraint_name") * :meth:`.Operations.create_primary_key` - "cols" (use "columns") and "name" (use "constraint_name") * :meth:`.Operations.create_unique_constraint` - "name" (use "constraint_name"), "source" (use "table_name") and "local_cols" (use "columns") * :meth:`.Operations.batch_create_unique_constraint` - "name" (use "constraint_name") * :meth:`.Operations.create_foreign_key` - "name" (use "constraint_name"), "source" (use "source_table"), "referent" (use "referent_table") * :meth:`.Operations.batch_create_foreign_key` - "name" (use "constraint_name"), "referent" (use "referent_table") * :meth:`.Operations.create_check_constraint` - "name" (use "constraint_name"), "source" (use "table_name") * :meth:`.Operations.batch_create_check_constraint` - "name" (use "constraint_name") * :meth:`.Operations.create_index` - "name" (use "index_name") * :meth:`.Operations.drop_index` - "name" (use "index_name"), "tablename" (use "table_name") * :meth:`.Operations.batch_drop_index` - "name" (use "index_name"), * :meth:`.Operations.create_table` - "name" (use "table_name") * :meth:`.Operations.drop_table` - "name" (use "table_name") * :meth:`.Operations.alter_column` - "name" (use "new_column_name") .. changelog:: ``` ### 1.4.3 ``` :released: September 11, 2020 .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite, batch :tickets: 711 Added support to drop named CHECK constraints that are specified as part of a column, rather than table wide. Previously, only constraints associated with the table were considered. .. change:: :tags: bug, ops, mysql :tickets: 736 Fixed issue where the MySQL dialect would not correctly render the server default of a column in an alter operation, if the operation were programmatically generated from an autogenerate pass as it would not accommodate for the full structure of the DefaultClause construct. .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite, batch :tickets: 697 Fixed issue where the CAST applied to a JSON column when copying a SQLite table during batch mode would cause the data to be lost, as SQLite's CAST with JSON appears to convert the data to the value "0". The CAST is now skipped in a dialect-specific manner, including for JSON columns on SQLite. Pull request courtesy Sebastián Ramírez. .. change:: :tags: bug, commands :tickets: 694 The ``alembic current`` command no longer creates an ``alembic_version`` table in the database if one does not exist already, returning no version as the current version. This allows checking for migrations in parallel without introducing race conditions. Pull request courtesy Nikolay Edigaryev. .. change:: :tags: bug, batch Fixed issue where columns in a foreign-key referenced table would be replaced with null-type columns during a batch operation; while this did not generally have any side effects, it could theoretically impact a batch operation that also targets that table directly and also would interfere with future changes to the ``.append_column()`` method to disallow implicit replacement of columns. .. change:: :tags: bug, mssql :tickets: 716 Fixed issue where the ``mssql_drop_foreign_key=True`` flag on ``op.drop_column`` would lead to incorrect syntax error due to a typo in the SQL emitted, same typo was present in the test as well so it was not detected. Pull request courtesy Oleg Shigorin. .. changelog:: ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/alembic - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/alembic/ - Homepage: https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/alembic/

Update amqp from 2.5.2 to 5.1.1.

Changelog ### 5.1.1 ``` ===== :release-date: 2022-03-06 12:45 P.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Use AF_UNSPEC for name resolution (389). .. _version-5.1.0: ``` ### 5.1.0 ``` ===== :release-date: 2022-03-06 10:05 A.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Improve performance of _get_free_channel_id, fix channel max bug (385). - Document memoryview usage, minor frame_writer.write_frame refactor (384). - Start dropping python 3.6 (387). - Added experimental __slots__ to some classes (368) - Relaxed vine version for upcoming release. - Upgraded topytest 7 (388). .. _version-5.0.9: ``` ### 5.0.9 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-12-20 11:00 A.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Append to _used_channel_ids in _used_channel_ids .. _version-5.0.8: ``` ### 5.0.8 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-12-19 11:15 A.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Reduce memory usage of Connection (377) - Add additional error handling around code where an OSError may be raised on failed connections. Fixes (378) .. _version-5.0.7: ``` ### 5.0.7 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-12-13 15:45 P.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Remove dependency to case - Bugfix: not closing socket after server disconnect .. _version-5.0.6: ``` ### 5.0.6 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-04-01 10:45 A.M. UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Change the order in which context.check_hostname and context.verify_mode get set in SSLTransport._wrap_socket_sni. Fixes bug introduced in 5.0.3 where setting context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE would raise "ValueError: Cannot set verify_mode to CERT_NONE when check_hostname is enabled." Setting context.check_hostname prior to setting context.verify_mode resolves the issue. - Remove TCP_USER_TIMEOUT option for Solaris (355) - Pass long_description to setup() (353) - Fix for tox-docker 2.0 - Moved to GitHub actions CI (359) .. _version-5.0.5: ``` ### 5.0.5 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-01-28 4:30 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Removed mistakenly introduced code which was causing import errors .. _version-5.0.4: ``` ### 5.0.4 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-01-28 2:30 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Add missing load_default_certs() call to fix a regression in v5.0.3 release. (350) .. _version-5.0.3: ``` ### 5.0.3 ``` ===== :release-date: 2021-01-19 9:00 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Change the default value of ssl_version to None. When not set, the proper value between ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT and ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER will be selected based on the param server_side in order to create a TLS Context object with better defaults that fit the desired connection side. - Change the default value of cert_reqs to None. The default value of ctx.verify_mode is ssl.CERT_NONE, but when ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT is used, ctx.verify_mode defaults to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED. - Fix context.check_hostname logic. Checking the hostname depends on having support of the SNI TLS extension and being provided with a server_hostname value. Another important thing to mention is that enabling hostname checking automatically sets verify_mode from ssl.CERT_NONE to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED in the stdlib ssl and it cannot be set back to ssl.CERT_NONE as long as hostname checking is enabled. - Refactor the SNI tests to test one thing at a time and removing some tests that were being repeated over and over. .. _version-5.0.2: ``` ### 5.0.2 ``` ===== :release-date: 2020-11-08 6:50 P.M UTC+3:00 :release-by: Omer Katz - Whhels are no longer universal. Contributed by **Omer Katz** - Added debug representation to Connection and *Transport classes Contributed by **Matus Valo** - Reintroduce ca_certs and ciphers parameters of SSLTransport._wrap_socket_sni() This fixes issue introduced in commit: 53d6777 Contributed by **Matus Valo** - Fix infinite wait when using confirm_publish Contributed by **Omer Katz** & **RezaSi** .. _version-5.0.1: ``` ### 5.0.1 ``` ===== :release-date: 2020-09-06 6:10 P.M UTC+3:00 :release-by: Omer Katz - Require vine 5.0.0. Contributed by **Omer Katz** .. _version-5.0.0: ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` ===== :release-date: 2020-09-03 3:20 P.M UTC+3:00 :release-by: Omer Katz - Stop to use deprecated method ssl.wrap_socket. Contributed by **Hervé Beraud** .. _version-5.0.0b1: ``` ### 5.0.0b1 ``` ======= :release-date: 2020-09-01 6:20 P.M UTC+3:00 :release-by: Omer Katz - Dropped Python 3.5 support. Contributed by **Omer Katz** - Removed additional compatibility code. Contributed by **Omer Katz** .. _version-5.0.0a1: ``` ### 5.0.0a1 ``` ======= :release-date: 2019-04-01 4:30 P.M UTC+3:00 :release-by: Omer Katz - Dropped Python 2.x support. Contributed by **Omer Katz** - Dropped Python 3.4 support. Contributed by **Omer Katz** - Depend on :pypi:`vine` 5.0.0a1. Contributed by **Omer Katz** Code Cleanups & Improvements: - **Omer Katz** .. _version-2.6.0: ``` ### 2.6.1 ``` ===== :release-date: 2020-07-31 10.30 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Fix buffer overflow in frame_writer after frame_max is increased. `frame_writer` allocates a `bytearray` on initialization with a length based on the `connection.frame_max` value. If `connection.frame_max` is changed to a larger value, this causes an error like `pack_into requires a buffer of at least 408736 bytes`. .. _version-2.6.0: ``` ### 2.6.0 ``` ===== :release-date: 20-06-01 12.00 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin - Implement speedups in cython (311) - Updated some tests & code improvements - Separate logger for Connection.heartbeat_tick method - Cython generic content (315) - Improve documentation a_global parameter of basic_qos() method. - Fix saving partial read buffer on windows during socket timeout. (321) - Fix deserialization of long string field values that are not utf-8. - Added simple cythonization of abstract_channel.py - Speedups of serialization.py are more restrictive .. _version-2.5.2: ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/amqp - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/amqp/ - Repo: http://github.com/celery/py-amqp

Update APScheduler from 3.6.3 to 3.9.1.

Changelog ### 3.9.1 ``` * Removed a leftover check for pytz ``localize()`` and ``normalize()`` methods ``` ### 3.9.0 ``` - Added support for PySide6 to the Qt scheduler - No longer enforce pytz time zones (support for others is experimental in the 3.x series) - Fixed compatibility with PyMongo 4 - Fixed pytz deprecation warnings - Fixed RuntimeError when shutting down the scheduler from a scheduled job ``` ### 3.8.1 ``` - Allowed the use of tzlocal v4.0+ in addition to v2.* ``` ### 3.8.0 ``` - Allowed passing through keyword arguments to the underlying stdlib executors in the thread/process pool executors (PR by Albert Xu) ``` ### 3.7.0 ``` - Dropped support for Python 3.4 - Added PySide2 support (PR by Abdulla Ibrahim) - Pinned ``tzlocal`` to a version compatible with pytz - Ensured that jitter is always non-negative to prevent triggers from firing more often than intended - Changed ``AsyncIOScheduler`` to obtain the event loop in ``start()`` instead of ``__init__()``, to prevent situations where the scheduler won't run because it's using a different event loop than then one currently running - Made it possible to create weak references to ``Job`` instances - Made the schedulers explicitly raise a descriptive ``TypeError`` when serialization is attempted - Fixed Zookeeper job store using backslashes instead of forward slashes for paths on Windows (PR by Laurel-rao) - Fixed deprecation warnings on the MongoDB job store and increased the minimum PyMongo version to 3.0 - Fixed ``BlockingScheduler`` and ``BackgroundScheduler`` shutdown hanging after the user has erroneously tried to start it twice - Fixed memory leak when coroutine jobs raise exceptions (due to reference cycles in tracebacks) - Fixed inability to schedule wrapped functions with extra arguments when the wrapped function cannot accept them but the wrapper can (original PR by Egor Malykh) - Fixed potential ``where`` clause error in the SQLAlchemy job store when a subclass uses more than one search condition - Fixed a problem where bound methods added as jobs via textual references were called with an unwanted extra ``self`` argument (PR by Pengjie Song) - Fixed ``BrokenPoolError`` in ``ProcessPoolExecutor`` so that it will automatically replace the broken pool with a fresh instance ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/apscheduler - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/apscheduler/ - Repo: https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/APScheduler/

Update Babel from 2.8.0 to 2.10.3.

Changelog ### 2.10.3 ``` -------------- This is a bugfix release for Babel 2.10.2, which was mistakenly packaged with outdated locale data. Thanks to Michał Górny for pointing this out and Jun Omae for verifying. This and future Babel PyPI packages will be built by a more automated process, which should make problems like this less likely to occur. ``` ### 2.10.2 ``` -------------- This is a bugfix release for Babel 2.10.1. * Fallback count="other" format in format_currency() (:gh:`872`) - Jun Omae * Fix get_period_id() with ``dayPeriodRule`` across 0:00 (:gh:`871`) - Jun Omae * Add support for ``b`` and ``B`` period symbols in time format (:gh:`869`) - Jun Omae * chore(docs/typo): Fixes a minor typo in a function comment (:gh:`864`) - Frank Harrison ``` ### 2.10.1 ``` -------------- This is a bugfix release for Babel 2.10.0. * Messages: Fix ``distutils`` import. Regressed in :gh:`843`. (:gh:`852`) - Nehal J Wani * The wheel file is no longer marked as universal, since Babel only supports Python 3. ``` ### 2.10.0 ``` -------------- Upcoming deprecation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``get_next_timezone_transition()`` function is marked deprecated in this version and will be removed likely as soon as Babel 2.11. No replacement for this function is planned; based on discussion in :gh:`716`, it's likely the function is not used in any real code. (:gh:`852`) - Aarni Koskela, Paul Ganssle Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 41.0. (:gh:`853`) - Aarni Koskela * The ``c`` and ``e`` plural form operands introduced in CLDR 40 are parsed, but otherwise unsupported. (:gh:`826`) * Non-nominative forms of units are currently ignored. * Messages: Implement ``--init-missing`` option for ``pybabel update`` (:gh:`785`) - ruro * Messages: For ``extract``, you can now replace the built-in ``.*`` / ``_*`` ignored directory patterns with ones of your own. (:gh:`832`) - Aarni Koskela, Kinshuk Dua * Messages: Add ``--check`` to verify if catalogs are up-to-date (:gh:`831`) - Krzysztof Jagiełło * Messages: Add ``--header-comment`` to override default header comment (:gh:`720`) - Mohamed Hafez Morsy, Aarni Koskela * Dates: ``parse_time`` now supports 12-hour clock, and is better at parsing partial times. (:gh:`834`) - Aarni Koskela, David Bauer, Arthur Jovart * Dates: ``parse_date`` and ``parse_time`` now raise ``ParseError``, a subclass of ``ValueError``, in certain cases. (:gh:`834`) - Aarni Koskela * Dates: ``parse_date`` and ``parse_time`` now accept the ``format`` parameter. (:gh:`834`) - Juliette Monsel, Aarni Koskela Infrastructure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The internal ``babel/_compat.py`` module is no more (:gh:`808`) - Hugo van Kemenade * Python 3.10 is officially supported (:gh:`809`) - Hugo van Kemenade * There's now a friendly GitHub issue template. (:gh:`800`) – Álvaro Mondéjar Rubio * Don't use the deprecated format_number function internally or in tests - Aarni Koskela * Add GitHub URL for PyPi (:gh:`846`) - Andrii Oriekhov * Python 3.12 compatibility: Prefer setuptools imports to distutils imports (:gh:`843`) - Aarni Koskela * Python 3.11 compatibility: Add deprecations to l*gettext variants (:gh:`835`) - Aarni Koskela * CI: Babel is now tested with PyPy 3.7. (:gh:`851`) - Aarni Koskela Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * Date formatting: Allow using ``other`` as fallback form (:gh:`827`) - Aarni Koskela * Locales: ``Locale.parse()`` normalizes variant tags to upper case (:gh:`829`) - Aarni Koskela * A typo in the plural format for Maltese is fixed. (:gh:`796`) - Lukas Winkler * Messages: Catalog date parsing is now timezone independent. (:gh:`701`) - rachele-collin * Messages: Fix duplicate locations when writing without lineno (:gh:`837`) - Sigurd Ljødal * Messages: Fix missing trailing semicolon in plural form headers (:gh:`848`) - farhan5900 * CLI: Fix output of ``--list-locales`` to not be a bytes repr (:gh:`845`) - Morgan Wahl Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Documentation is now correctly built again, and up to date (:gh:`830`) - Aarni Koskela ``` ### 2.9.1 ``` ------------- Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * The internal locale-data loading functions now validate the name of the locale file to be loaded and only allow files within Babel's data directory. Thank you to Chris Lyne of Tenable, Inc. for discovering the issue! ``` ### 2.9.0 ``` ------------- Upcoming version support changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This version, Babel 2.9, is the last version of Babel to support Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python 3.5. Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CLDR: Use CLDR 37 – Aarni Koskela (:gh:`734`) * Dates: Handle ZoneInfo objects in get_timezone_location, get_timezone_name - Alessio Bogon (:gh:`741`) * Numbers: Add group_separator feature in number formatting - Abdullah Javed Nesar (:gh:`726`) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * Dates: Correct default Format().timedelta format to 'long' to mute deprecation warnings – Aarni Koskela * Import: Simplify iteration code in "import_cldr.py" – Felix Schwarz * Import: Stop using deprecated ElementTree methods "getchildren()" and "getiterator()" – Felix Schwarz * Messages: Fix unicode printing error on Python 2 without TTY. – Niklas Hambüchen * Messages: Introduce invariant that _invalid_pofile() takes unicode line. – Niklas Hambüchen * Tests: fix tests when using Python 3.9 – Felix Schwarz * Tests: Remove deprecated 'sudo: false' from Travis configuration – Jon Dufresne * Tests: Support Py.test 6.x – Aarni Koskela * Utilities: LazyProxy: Handle AttributeError in specified func – Nikiforov Konstantin (:gh:`724`) * Utilities: Replace usage of parser.suite with ast.parse – Miro Hrončok Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Update parse_number comments – Brad Martin (:gh:`708`) * Add __iter__ to Catalog documentation – CyanNani123 ``` ### 2.8.1 ``` ------------- This is solely a patch release to make running tests on Py.test 6+ possible. Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * Support Py.test 6 - Aarni Koskela (:gh:`747`, :gh:`750`, :gh:`752`) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/babel - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/babel/ - Homepage: https://babel.pocoo.org/ - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/Babel/

Update beautifulsoup4 from 4.9.0 to 4.11.1.

Changelog ### 4.11.0 ``` * Ported unit tests to use pytest. * Added special string classes, RubyParenthesisString and RubyTextString, to make it possible to treat ruby text specially in get_text() calls. [bug=1941980] * It's now possible to customize the way output is indented by providing a value for the 'indent' argument to the Formatter constructor. The 'indent' argument works very similarly to the argument of the same name in the Python standard library's json.dump() function. [bug=1955497] * If the charset-normalizer Python module (https://pypi.org/project/charset-normalizer/) is installed, Beautiful Soup will use it to detect the character sets of incoming documents. This is also the module used by newer versions of the Requests library. For the sake of backwards compatibility, chardet and cchardet both take precedence if installed. [bug=1955346] * Added a workaround for an lxml bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1948551) that causes problems when parsing a Unicode string beginning with BYTE ORDER MARK. [bug=1947768] * Issue a warning when an HTML parser is used to parse a document that looks like XML but not XHTML. [bug=1939121] * Do a better job of keeping track of namespaces as an XML document is parsed, so that CSS selectors that use namespaces will do the right thing more often. [bug=1946243] * Some time ago, the misleadingly named "text" argument to find-type methods was renamed to the more accurate "string." But this supposed "renaming" didn't make it into important places like the method signatures or the docstrings. That's corrected in this version. "text" still works, but will give a DeprecationWarning. [bug=1947038] * Fixed a crash when pickling a BeautifulSoup object that has no tree builder. [bug=1934003] * Fixed a crash when overriding multi_valued_attributes and using the html5lib parser. [bug=1948488] * Standardized the wording of the MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning warnings to omit untrusted input and make the warnings less judgmental about what you ought to be doing. [bug=1955450] * Removed support for the iconv_codec library, which doesn't seem to exist anymore and was never put up on PyPI. (The closest replacement on PyPI, iconv_codecs, is GPL-licensed, so we can't use it--it's also quite old.) ``` ### 4.10.0 ``` * This is the first release of Beautiful Soup to only support Python 3. I dropped Python 2 support to maintain support for newer versions (58 and up) of setuptools. See: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2769 [bug=1942919] * The behavior of methods like .get_text() and .strings now differs depending on the type of tag. The change is visible with HTML tags like <script>, <style>, and <template>. Starting in 4.9.0, methods like get_text() returned no results on such tags, because the contents of those tags are not considered 'text' within the document as a whole. But a user who calls script.get_text() is working from a different definition of 'text' than a user who calls div.get_text()--otherwise there would be no need to call script.get_text() at all. In 4.10.0, the contents of (e.g.) a <script> tag are considered 'text' during a get_text() call on the tag itself, but not considered 'text' during a get_text() call on the tag's parent. Because of this change, calling get_text() on each child of a tag may now return a different result than calling get_text() on the tag itself. That's because different tags now have different understandings of what counts as 'text'. [bug=1906226] [bug=1868861] * NavigableString and its subclasses now implement the get_text() method, as well as the properties .strings and .stripped_strings. These methods will either return the string itself, or nothing, so the only reason to use this is when iterating over a list of mixed Tag and NavigableString objects. [bug=1904309] * The 'html5' formatter now treats attributes whose values are the empty string as HTML boolean attributes. Previously (and in other formatters), an attribute value must be set as None to be treated as a boolean attribute. In a future release, I plan to also give this behavior to the 'html' formatter. Patch by Isaac Muse. [bug=1915424] * The 'replace_with()' method now takes a variable number of arguments, and can be used to replace a single element with a sequence of elements. Patch by Bill Chandos. [rev=605] * Corrected output when the namespace prefix associated with a namespaced attribute is the empty string, as opposed to None. [bug=1915583] * Performance improvement when processing tags that speeds up overall tree construction by 2%. Patch by Morotti. [bug=1899358] * Corrected the use of special string container classes in cases when a single tag may contain strings with different containers; such as the <template> tag, which may contain both TemplateString objects and Comment objects. [bug=1913406] * The html.parser tree builder can now handle named entities found in the HTML5 spec in much the same way that the html5lib tree builder does. Note that the lxml HTML tree builder doesn't handle named entities this way. [bug=1924908] * Added a second way to pass specify encodings to UnicodeDammit and EncodingDetector, based on the order of precedence defined in the HTML5 spec, starting at: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parsing-with-a-known-character-encoding Encodings in 'known_definite_encodings' are tried first, then byte-order-mark sniffing is run, then encodings in 'user_encodings' are tried. The old argument, 'override_encodings', is now a deprecated alias for 'known_definite_encodings'. This changes the default behavior of the html.parser and lxml tree builders, in a way that may slightly improve encoding detection but will probably have no effect. [bug=1889014] * Improve the warning issued when a directory name (as opposed to the name of a regular file) is passed as markup into the BeautifulSoup constructor. [bug=1913628] ``` ### 4.9.3 ``` * Implemented a significant performance optimization to the process of searching the parse tree. Patch by Morotti. [bug=1898212] ``` ### 4.9.2 ``` * Fixed a bug that caused too many tags to be popped from the tag stack during tree building, when encountering a closing tag that had no matching opening tag. [bug=1880420] * Fixed a bug that inconsistently moved elements over when passing a Tag, rather than a list, into Tag.extend(). [bug=1885710] * Specify the soupsieve dependency in a way that complies with PEP 508. Patch by Mike Nerone. [bug=1893696] * Change the signatures for BeautifulSoup.insert_before and insert_after (which are not implemented) to match PageElement.insert_before and insert_after, quieting warnings in some IDEs. [bug=1897120] ``` ### 4.9.1 ``` * Added a keyword argument 'on_duplicate_attribute' to the BeautifulSoupHTMLParser constructor (used by the html.parser tree builder) which lets you customize the handling of markup that contains the same attribute more than once, as in: <a href="url1" href="url2"> [bug=1878209] * Added a distinct subclass, GuessedAtParserWarning, for the warning issued when BeautifulSoup is instantiated without a parser being specified. [bug=1873787] * Added a distinct subclass, MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning, for the warning issued when BeautifulSoup is instantiated with 'markup' that actually seems to be a URL or the path to a file on disk. [bug=1873787] * The new NavigableString subclasses (Stylesheet, Script, and TemplateString) can now be imported directly from the bs4 package. * If you encode a document with a Python-specific encoding like 'unicode_escape', that encoding is no longer mentioned in the final XML or HTML document. Instead, encoding information is omitted or left blank. [bug=1874955] * Fixed test failures when run against soupselect 2.0. Patch by Tomáš Chvátal. [bug=1872279] ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/beautifulsoup4 - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/beautifulsoup4/ - Homepage: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/

Update bleach from 3.3.0 to 5.0.1.

Changelog ### 5.0.1 ``` ------------------------------- **Bugs** * Add missing comma to tinycss2 require. Thank you, shadchin! * Add url parse tests based on wpt url tests. (688) * Support scheme-less urls if "https" is in allow list. (662) * Handle escaping ``<`` in edge cases where it doesn't start a tag. (544) * Fix reference warnings in docs. (660) * Correctly urlencode email address parts. Thank you, larseggert! (659) ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` ------------------------------- **Backwards incompatible changes** * ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes. Thank you, askoretskly! (566) * Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, hugovk! (629) * CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now. If you're using Bleach ``clean`` to sanitize css in style tags, you'll need to update your code and you'll need to install the ``css`` extras:: pip install 'bleach[css]' See `the documentation on sanitizing CSS for how to do it <https://bleach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/clean.html#sanitizing-css>`_. (633) **Bug fixes** * Rework dev dependencies. We no longer have ``requirements-dev.in``/``requirements-dev.txt``. Instead, we're using ``dev`` extras. See `development docs <https://bleach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dev.html>`_ for more details. (620) * Add newline when dropping block-level tags. Thank you, jvanasco! (369) ``` ### 4.1.0 ``` --------------------------------- **Features** * Python 3.9 support **Bug fixes** * Update sanitizer clean to use vendored 3.6.14 stdlib urllib.parse to fix test failures on Python 3.9. (536) ``` ### 4.0.0 ``` -------------------------------- **Backwards incompatible changes** * Drop support for unsupported Python versions <3.6. (520) **Security fixes** None **Features** * fix attribute name in the linkify docs (thanks CheesyFeet!) ``` ### 3.3.1 ``` ------------------------------- **Security fixes** None **Features** * add more tests for CVE-2021-23980 / GHSA-vv2x-vrpj-qqpq * bump python version to 3.8 for tox doc, vendorverify, and lint targets * update bug report template tag * update vendorverify script to detect and fail when extra files are vendored * update release process docs to check vendorverify passes locally **Bug fixes** * remove extra vendored django present in the v3.3.0 whl (595) * duplicate h1 header doc fix (thanks Nguyễn Gia Phong / McSinyx!) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/bleach - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/bleach/ - Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/bleach - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/bleach/

Update blinker from 1.4 to 1.5.

Changelog ### 1.5 ``` ----------- Released 2022-07-17 - Support Python >= 3.7 and PyPy. Python 2, Python < 3.7, and Jython may continue to work, but the next release will make incompatible changes. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/blinker - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/blinker/ - Docs: https://blinker.readthedocs.io

Update cffi from 1.14.0 to 1.15.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/cffi - Docs: http://cffi.readthedocs.org

Update cachetools from 4.1.0 to 5.2.0.

Changelog ### 5.2.0 ``` =================== - Add ``cachetools.keys.methodkey()``. - Add ``cache_clear()`` function to decorators. - Add ``src`` directory to ``sys.path`` for Sphinx autodoc. - Modernize ``func`` wrappers. ``` ### 5.1.0 ``` =================== - Add cache decorator parameters as wrapper function attributes. ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` =================== - Require Python 3.7 or later (breaking change). - Remove deprecated submodules (breaking change). The ``cache``, ``fifo``, ``lfu``, ``lru``, ``mru``, ``rr`` and ``ttl`` submodules have been deleted. Therefore, statements like ``from cachetools.ttl import TTLCache`` will no longer work. Use ``from cachetools import TTLCache`` instead. - Pass ``self`` to ``cachedmethod`` key function (breaking change). The ``key`` function passed to the ``cachedmethod`` decorator is now called as ``key(self, *args, **kwargs)``. The default key function has been changed to ignore its first argument, so this should only affect applications using custom key functions with the ``cachedmethod`` decorator. - Change exact time of expiration in ``TTLCache`` (breaking change). ``TTLCache`` items now get expired if their expiration time is less than *or equal to* ``timer()``. For applications using the default ``timer()``, this should be barely noticable, but it may affect the use of custom timers with larger tick intervals. Note that this also implies that a ``TTLCache`` with ``ttl=0`` can no longer hold any items, since they will expire immediately. - Change ``Cache.__repr__()`` format (breaking change). String representations of cache instances now use a more compact and efficient format, e.g. ``LRUCache({1: 1, 2: 2}, maxsize=10, currsize=2)`` - Add TLRU cache implementation. - Documentation improvements. ``` ### 4.2.4 ``` =================== - Add submodule shims for backward compatibility. ``` ### 4.2.3 ``` =================== - Add documentation and tests for using ``TTLCache`` with ``datetime``. - Link to typeshed typing stubs. - Flatten package file hierarchy. ``` ### 4.2.2 ``` =================== - Update build environment. - Remove Python 2 remnants. - Format code with Black. ``` ### 4.2.1 ``` =================== - Handle ``__missing__()`` not storing cache items. - Clean up ``__missing__()`` example. ``` ### 4.2.0 ``` =================== - Add FIFO cache implementation. - Add MRU cache implementation. - Improve behavior of decorators in case of race conditions. - Improve documentation regarding mutability of caches values and use of key functions with decorators. - Officially support Python 3.9. ``` ### 4.1.1 ``` =================== - Improve ``popitem()`` exception context handling. - Replace ``float('inf')`` with ``math.inf``. - Improve "envkey" documentation example. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/cachetools - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/cachetools/ - Repo: https://github.com/tkem/cachetools/

Update click from 7.1.2 to 8.1.3.

Changelog ### 8.1.3 ``` ------------- Released 2022-04-28 - Use verbose form of ``typing.Callable`` for ``command`` and ``group``. :issue:`2255` - Show error when attempting to create an option with ``multiple=True, is_flag=True``. Use ``count`` instead. :issue:`2246` ``` ### 8.1.2 ``` ------------- Released 2022-03-31 - Fix error message for readable path check that was mixed up with the executabl
pyup-bot commented 1 year ago

Closing this in favor of #808