fake-name / xA-Scraper

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FreeBSD chromedriver-binary issue. #94

Closed LandMineHare closed 4 years ago

LandMineHare commented 4 years ago

So far, I've managed to get everything installed and working out of all the requirements, and run_scrape.sh works up until this little ditty pops up.

> Building wheels for collected packages: chromedriver-binary > Building wheel for chromedriver-binary (setup.py) ... error

I've got chromium and the chromedriver unit installed, and chrome driver works when called anywhere, but I can't for the life of me find anywhere in the scripts that references chromedriver-binary to change it to just chromedriver.

Was hoping someone, anyone, else had luck getting this to work in a FreeBSD jail, or can point me where to look to fix it.

fake-name commented 4 years ago

That's interesting. FWIW, FreeBSD is super out of my tested scope of OSes.

Anyways, the issue here is:

So basically https://pypi.org/project/chromedriver-binary/ doesn't work on FreeBSD, apparently. As far as I can tell, google doesn't support freebsd at all either, so the python package is unlikely to be able to support it either.

Realistically, you don't actually need chromedriver unless you're using the selenium chrome interface in webrequest, and I've been trying to move off that to my own chrome interface, mostly because selenium has a bunch of really, really stupid design decisions that make stuff really difficult.

You should be able to clone webrequest, remove the dependency from the requirements file, and then install it manually (python setup.py install), and it should work fine.