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Aggregation $project, $unwind, $lookup returns EMPTY result, but works in a Java main() #372

Open mehtacuk opened 5 years ago

mehtacuk commented 5 years ago

Any solution for the above issue?

I have a similar issue here

My query on Mongo Shell is like -

db.getCollection('cm').aggregate([ { "$match": { "ID": "2006"} }, { "$lookup": { "from": "cm", "localField": "Parent", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "bList"
} }, {"$unwind":"$bList"}, { "$lookup": { "from": "cm", "localField": "bList.Parent", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "bList1" } }, {"$unwind":"$bList1"}, { $project: { "_id": 0, "DivisionId": "$bList.Parent", "GroupID": "$bList._id", "GroupName": "$bList.Name", "DivisionName":"$bList1.Name" } } ])

JSON document 1: - { "_id" : "ProductGroup2006", "Parent" : "Group6", "Ancestors" : [ "Division2", "Group6" ], "ID" : "2006" }

JSON document 2: { "_id" : "Division2", "Parent" : "", "Ancestors" : [], "Name" : "Sujay Godbole", "Type" : "Division" }

JSON Document 3 { "_id" : "Group6", "Parent" : "Division2", "ID" : "6", "Ancestors" : [ "Division2" ], "Name" : "Chirag Mehta" }

After adding all these documents to the Collection in JUNIT class, call the below:

`List aggregation = new ArrayList(); aggregation.add(Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("ID", "2006"))); aggregation.add(Aggregates.lookup("cm", "Parent", "_id", "siblingList")); aggregation.add(Aggregates.unwind("$siblingList")); aggregation.add(Aggregates.lookup("cm", "siblingList.Parent", "_id", "ancestorList")); aggregation.add(Aggregates.unwind("$ancestorList"));

            new Document("_id", 0).append("DivisionId", "$siblingList.Parent").append("GroupId", "$siblingList._id")
                    .append("GroupName", "$siblingList.Name").append("DivisionName", "$ancestorList.Name")));`

Finally - AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = mongoCollection.aggregate(aggregate);

And this action results in EMPTY objects

ISSUE: My main() works and returns results; but the same in Fongo - collection.aggregate(), return EMPTY results.

Any help/resolution appreciated