falahati / HeliosDisplayManagement

An open source display profile management program for Windows with support for NVIDIA Surround
GNU General Public License v2.0
265 stars 26 forks source link

New profiles only show one monitor's options #11

Closed DragRedSim closed 6 years ago

DragRedSim commented 6 years ago

As per the image, I've created a new profile by cloning the current setup. However, it only allows me to view the settings of one of the three monitors. Even when I click on the box to edit the settings, they are all greyed out.


falahati commented 6 years ago


Try these steps:

  1. Download the HeliosDisplayManagement.Reporting.zip file.
  2. Extract it to the desktop. (or somewhere with write access for your user account)
  3. Execute the program and wait for it to end, then press Enter to exit.
  4. This will generate a log file right next to the program, rename this newly created log file from "HeliosDisplayManagement.Reporting.XXXXX.log" to a meaningful name, for example: "DisabledSurround.log" or "AllMonitorsExtended.log" so I know what the log is about.
  5. Switch to other modes (using Windows Control Panel and NVidia Control Panel) and repeat these steps.

At the end of this process, you should have multiple ".log" files each generated while your system was in a correct mode. I need this information as I need to follow the program's logic based on your system while you are in a specific mode. Send these log files to me. Feel free to check the log files for any information you might not want to share with the public.

Also, the source code of this program is now available as a part of this repository, so you can always check the source code or even compile it yourself.

falahati commented 6 years ago

I am going to close this issue due to receiving no response. Feel free to post again if this issue was still present using the latest release version of this application.