falconindy / ponymix

CLI volume control for PulseAudio
MIT License
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increase <number> does not increase beyond 100 #45

Closed rohshall closed 7 years ago

rohshall commented 7 years ago

pulse does not have 100 as the limit. I can do "set-volume 120", and it works. So, increase should check the max volume level, and allow the increase, instead of maxing it out at 100.

falconindy commented 7 years ago

This is working as designed -- the limit of 100 via "increase" is meant as a safety measure. If you know that you want to increase the volume above 100, then you can override by using set-volume.

falconindy commented 7 years ago

Perhaps a --max-volume flag could be added to change this behavior.

rohshall commented 7 years ago

My understanding, from using GUI like pavucontrol, is that these devices have max limit anyway - like 150. So, it anyway gets clamped at say, 150. The problem I am facing is I have mapped my i3 keybindings to increase and decrese by 10%. And then it gets clamped at 100. So, I have to manually type the command "set-volume" to increase the volume.

vodik commented 7 years ago

There has long been a max-volume flag:

$ ponymix increase 150
$ ponymix increase 150 --max-volume 150

But warning, likely will clip your speakers like crazy. If pulseaudio isn't getting loud enough at 100, something else is wrong - this is just a workaround.

falconindy commented 7 years ago

Ah good job me, I already added this 4 years ago. So then this is just a dupe of https://github.com/falconindy/ponymix/issues/19.