falcosecurity / charts

Community managed Helm charts for running Falco with Kubernetes
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Falco pods failing in RHEL 8.10 #698

Open ajinkya1986 opened 3 weeks ago

ajinkya1986 commented 3 weeks ago

We have been trying to install falco helm chart on RHEL 8.10. After a few seconds the pod go into init error and then they are not visible in any of the namespaces. Following is the configuration on which we were trying to install the falco charts.


Defaulted container "falco" out of falco, falcoctl-artifact-follow, faclo-driver-loader (init), falco-artifact-install (init) Error from server (Bad request) container "faclo" in pod "xxxx-falco-zw3rr" is waiting to start: PodInitializing

Event Details:

Type Reason Age From. Message Warning Backoff 80s kubelet Back-off restarting failed container falco-driver-loader in pod (some_pod)

OS Details:

NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" VERSION="8.10 (Ootpa)" ID="rhel" ID_LIKE="fedora" VERSION_ID="8.10" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8" PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa)" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:8::baseos" HOME_URL="https://www.redhat.com/" DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/"

REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8"

Kernel Version: 4.18.0-553.5.1.el8_10.x86_64

Kubernetes Version: 1.29.3

CPU: 8 cores Memory: 16 GiB