falcosecurity / falco

Cloud Native Runtime Security
Apache License 2.0
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OOM on physical servers #2495

Open epcim opened 1 year ago

epcim commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Pn 0.34.x releases we do experience mem leak on physical instances, while the same setup on AWS is fine. It could be due node workload, but still its clear mem leak.

Actually as of now RC not identified,

How to reproduce it

This is bit customised deployment (not helm, etc.)

This is the config falco is given (we do use more rules, but the problem happens with only upstream ones (now the rules from rules repo)

  falco.yaml: |
      - /etc/falco-upstream/falco_rules.yaml                          
      - /etc/falco/rules.d

    - name: json
      library_path: libjson.so
      init_config: ""

    load_plugins: []
    watch_config_files: true
    time_format_iso_8601: false

    json_include_output_property: true
    json_include_tags_property: true
    json_output: true
    log_stderr: true
    log_syslog: false
    # "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug".
    log_level: error
      enabled: false
      severity: debug # "info", "debug", "trace".
    priority: warning

    buffered_outputs: false
    syscall_buf_size_preset: 4
      threshold: 0.1
        - log
      rate: 0.03333
      max_burst: 1
      simulate_drops: false

      max_consecutives: 1000

      enabled: true
      k8s_healthz_endpoint: /healthz
      listen_port: 64765
      ssl_enabled: false
      ssl_certificate: /volterra/secrets/identity/server.crt
      threadiness: 0
      #k8s_audit_endpoint: /k8s-audit

    output_timeout: 2000
      rate: 1
      max_burst: 1000
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      keep_alive: false
      filename: ./events.txt
      enabled: true
      enabled: false
      keep_alive: false
      program: "jq '{text: .output}' | curl -d @- -X POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX"
      enabled: true
      url: "http://falco-sidekick.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:64801/"
      user_agent: falcosecurity/falco
      enabled: false
      bind_address: unix:///run/falco/falco.sock
      threadiness: 0
      enabled: false

      max_mb: 100
      chunk_wait_us: 1000
      watch_freq_sec: 1

      cpus_for_each_syscall_buffer: 2"

Expected behaviour

Drop memory at regular intervals


Cloud instances of falco on AWS: (ok behaviour, screenshot is imo on 0.33.x version) image

Instances on physical servers: ( OOM, on 0.34.1, the nodes in the cluster are exactly the same, though, only 2 of 4 are affected by mem increase (could be due specific workload). Surprisingly same metric does not match the pattern from AWS/GCP nodes (above) image


K8s, falco in container Physical server, under load

Andreagit97 commented 1 year ago

ei @epcim thank you for reporting this! Of course, I've not a right answer here but I have some questions that could help us to dig into it:

  1. Which engine are you using bpf, kernel module, or modern bpf? From your config I can see that you are not using plugins, is it true?
  2. If I understood well you are experiencing mem-leak only on physical servers, while with the same/similar setup, Falco works well on AWS. Have you ever seen this kind of issue with previous Falco versions (0.33.0 for example)?
  3. You said that you are able to reproduce the issue with just the default ruleset. It would help us a lot if you were able to find a minimal set of rules that could reproduce the issue. The ruleset is huge and involves many syscalls so working on a minimal set would speed up the troubleshooting
epcim commented 1 year ago

ha, that I forgot to mention. @Andreagit97

1. We experience the issue with kernel moduel on production env. and it was reproduced either with kernel moduel and bpf on the test env's.

havent tried modern bpf

this image change/upstream:

-FROM falcosecurity/falco-no-driver:0.32.2
+FROM falcosecurity/falco-no-driver:0.33.1
  1. I do believe issue is there since 0.33.0 before hard to say, not visible in metrics (as container could be killed early). From metrics (from dev env): 1y view: image

interesting is this part - mem hiked significantly image

this part correspond: to 0.32.2 -> 0.33.1 - on 29.11.2022 image

better detail even shows it was 9d quite OK, and then started to hike image

cross/verified with prod env, the version landed on 6.12.2022 but the the issue was first time visible straight on 24.1.2023 (appears on 1 node from dozens) but it has the same pattern: image

for comparison period 12/2022 - 04/2023 with all nodes on prod - is hard to read/identify the issue just from metrics, pods are killed early etc.. later on January we have increased mem limit for pod and the mem hike started to be recognisable on metrics


  1. minimalise the ruleset
Andreagit97 commented 1 year ago

Thank you these are really interesting info that could help us in the troubleshooting! We will start to take a look, keep us updated if you find something new!

epcim commented 1 year ago

surprisingly, there were not much changes in rules since October 2022, new is on right side, while left is some my November version (which basically is 1:1 with October).

these that changed, as far as I know (ignoring tags, lists, or proc name in .. (new binaries), etc.., and all removed)


image (and similar)




not in my current code base that has the issue





Andreagit97 commented 1 year ago

ei thank you for the update! The bad news is that since the underlying Falco code is changed the OOM issue could be caused also by an already existing rule :/ so unfortunately we cannot restrict the investigation scope

jasondellaluce commented 1 year ago

/milestone 0.35.0

epcim commented 1 year ago

@jasondellaluce will you try to simulate the issue on your side and collect metrics before 0.35?

jasondellaluce commented 1 year ago

@epcim This issue is hard to reproduce on our side, and I think deeper testing on this specific path will not happen before 0.35. However, we're testing the latest dev Falco also with tools like Valgrind and in the most common deployment scenarios, so my suggestion will be to try out 0.35 once it's out and see if the issue still occurs. It's hard to tell if the issue is caused by your rule setup, your workload, or by a mix of the two. The most likely thing is that this could be happening within libsinsp, and that very specific workloads force the library to grow its internal state unbounded. This will definitely require further investigation.

sboschman commented 1 year ago

Same every increasing memory consumption with 0.35 (upgraded from 0.33), but our falco setup is a bit different than the one described in this issue. Deployed as a systemd unit on a VM (own hosts, so no cloud stuff), syscalls disabled (--disable-source syscall), only k8saudit/json plugins enabled, default syscall rules removed, grpc/http/syslog output enabled.

Can't make a memory dump, because falco claims 132G virt (VM has 6GB RAM and 30GB disk.... no idea why it needs this much virt) and it seems a memory dump is trying to write 132G to disk, which obviously fails on a 30GB disk.

jasondellaluce commented 1 year ago

@sboschman do you also reproduce this kind of memory usage when running Falco for syscalls collection, without plugins?

sboschman commented 1 year ago

@jasondellaluce we do not run falco with syscalls collection enabled at all, so not a use-case I can comment on.

jasondellaluce commented 1 year ago

/milestone 0.36.0

incertum commented 1 year ago

@epcim would you be in a position to re-run some test with eBPF and libbpf stats kernel setting enabled with Falco's new experimental native metrics? Asking because I would be curious to see if spikes in memory correlate with surges in event rates (both at the tracepoints aka the libbpf stats and also in userspace which obviously depends on the syscalls you enable). Please feel free to anonymize logs and/or share an anonymized version of it on slack in a DM. What we unfortunately don't yet have in the metrics feature are the detailed syscalls counters and some other internal state related stats we aim to add for the next Falco release.

incertum commented 1 year ago

In addition @epcim could we get more information around the cgroups version on these machines? Memory counting in the kernel can in many cases be just wrong. For example see https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/issues/421 and I have also heard rumors about cgroups leaking memory. cgroups v2 has superior memory management, hence would be curious to know which cgroups version you are dealing with?

Plus you also have that on host deployment, mind getting me up to speed about the exact memory metrics you base OOM for those cases (aka the non container_memory_working_set_byte cases)? Apologies if you posted that already above and I just couldn't read everything.

Thanks in advance!

emilgelman commented 12 months ago

I'm seeing the same behavior using Falco 0.35.1. Running on AKS, a single Node using Ubuntu 22.04. Falco deployed using Helm with the default rule set. Pod memory is constantly increasing, the cluster is practically idle (no other workloads running). falco.yaml:

  log_level: debug
    rate: 1000000000
    max_burst: 1000000000
  json_output: true
  json_include_output_property: true
    keep_alive: false
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
  enabled: true
  kind: modern-bpf
incertum commented 12 months ago

Just out of curiosity this particular host is running kernel cgroups v1 or cgroups v2? Thank you!

We will investigate the cgroups related memory metrics the OOM killer uses more, also @sboschman use case where the binary is only used for k8saudit logs filtering, meaning in that scenario most of the libs code is not used (no kernel driver, no sinsp state, no container engine, basically no allocations etc).


And maybe also show RSS memory metric over time.

emilgelman commented 12 months ago

@incertum the host is running cgroups v2:

# stat -fc %T /sys/fs/cgroup/

I am experimenting with the effect of rules configuration on this. It seems that disabling all rules doesn't reproduce the issue, so I'm trying to understand if I can isolate it to specific rule/s.

incertum commented 12 months ago

Hi @emilgelman thanks this is great news you have cgroups v2. By the way we now also have the base_syscalls config in falco.yaml for radical syscalls monitoring control, check it out.

However, I think here we need to investigate in different places more drastically (meaning going back to the drawing board) as it has also been reported for plugins only. In that case we merely do event filtering in libsinsp, so most of the libsinsp complexity does not apply which kind of narrows down the search space.

I am going to prioritize 👀 into it, it likely will take some time.

In addition, in case you are curious to learn more about the underlying libs and kernel drivers with respect to memory:

incertum commented 11 months ago

Simulated a noisy Falco config on my developer Linux box. Enabling most supported syscalls was sufficient to simulate memory issues:

- rule: test
  desc: test
  condition: evt.type!=close
  enabled: true
  output: '%evt.type %evt.num %proc.aname[5] %proc.name %proc.tty %proc.exepath %fd.name'
  priority: NOTICE

Using valgrind massif heap profiler:

sudo insmod driver/falco.ko
sudo valgrind --tool=massif \
         userspace/falco/falco -c ../../falco.yaml -r ../../falco_rules_test.yaml > /tmp/out

massif-visualizer massif.out.$PID


Reading the tbb API docs https://oneapi-src.github.io/oneTBB/main/tbb_userguide/Concurrent_Queue_Classes.html, we use the following variant ... By default, a concurrent_bounded_queue is unbounded. It may hold any number of values, until memory runs out. ... and currently we do not set a safety capacity, or better expose it as parameter.

Here is a staging branch to correct this: https://github.com/incertum/falco/tree/queue-capacity-outputs, what do you all think?

However, the root cause is rather the entire event flow being too slow, basically we don't get to pop in time from the queue in these extreme cases, because we are seeing timeouts and also noticed heavy kernel side drops. Basically the pipe is just not holding up when trying to monitor so many syscalls even just on a more or less idle laptop. I would suggest we should re-audit the entire Falco processing and outputs engine and look for improvement areas, because when I did the same profiling with the libs sinsp-example binary, memory and output logs were pretty stable over time ...

leogr commented 11 months ago

Reading the tbb API docs https://oneapi-src.github.io/oneTBB/main/tbb_userguide/Concurrent_Queue_Classes.html, we use the following variant ... By default, a concurrent_bounded_queue is unbounded. It may hold any number of values, until memory runs out. ... and currently we do not set a safety capacity, or better expose it as parameter.

The rationale for an unbounded queue was that the output consumer must be responsive enough to accept all the alerts produced by Falco. When the output consumer is too slow, a dedicated watchdog will emit an error message in the stderr to notify the user that the configure output consumer is too slow or blocked. By design, this is the only case when the queue can grow indefinitely.

Otherwise, if the memory is growing but the queue is not, there might be just an implementation bug. Have you checked that? :thinking:

incertum commented 11 months ago

Thanks @leogr all of the above is true. And for everyone reading this, unbounded queues can be a good choice and more efficient anyways if you have other controls prior.

The queue filling up is one very likely cause for memory growth in real-life production. At the same time there can always be more bugs in other places. Using the heap profiler on my laptop added enough overhead / slowness to show these symptoms when having that one noisy Falco rule. Have yet to get deeper into profiling.

My current recommendations:

Here I would expose a queue capacity to the end user and add a default value. Have it "Experimental" so we could remove it again should we find much better ways of handling heavy event pipes in future Falco releases.

We still need to discuss the recover strategy:

Sadly none of this is a solution to get Falco to work on such more heavy production servers or workload types. Opening a new ticket to discuss a re-audit of the Falco specific outputs handling https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco/issues/2691. Pragmatic expected outcomes are that perhaps we can improve things, however I doubt all problems will magically disappear, because we can't scale horizontally (throw more compute at the problem what is typically down in for example big data stream processing). In fact, folks want a security tool to almost consume no CPU and memory, but never drop events.

Considering Falco's primary use of alerting on abnormal behavior I project that having smarter advanced anomaly detection approaches could be more promising to avoid having to deal with bursty outputs in the first place, but maybe I am biased 🙃 .

Meanwhile, adopters can re-audit the syscalls they monitor (using the new base_syscalls option) and consider tuning Falco rules more. It may help with the problems described here.

incertum commented 11 months ago

I opened the PR to expose the configs to set a custom capacity.

epcim commented 11 months ago

I was busy last few weeks but count to reconfigure/test next weeks all the findings on thread.

incertum commented 11 months ago

Perfect, yes I would suggest to first try the option of being able to set a queue capacity and after test deployments we shall see if there are other issues still in terms of memory actually leaking / increasing radically over time beyond expected limits. At least the simulation above shows that this is something that currently could happen vs with the capacity in the simulation I at least didn't observe memory leaking.

At the same time reminder this is not fixing the root cause, see https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco/issues/2495#issuecomment-1646037752

In addition, we may need to experiment with best default values across the various settings that can control the outputs ...

FedeDP commented 10 months ago

@epcim Can you try your initial config (the one pasted in the opening post), but disabling http_output? This is a wild guess, but it's worth a try! Thank you (also, we are working hard to understand and reproduce the isse :) )

incertum commented 10 months ago

Update: We merged the outputs_queue PR that exposes the queue capacity (available for testing in the upcoming Falco 0.36 release) and I started a new issue in libs for now https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/issues/1347 to track metrics that may still be missing to get of the bottom of current and possible new future issues.

FedeDP commented 9 months ago

Hey, did anyone upgrade to Falco 0.36.0 and notice the issue still (even playing with the new queue capacity options?)

sboschman commented 9 months ago

Yes, upgraded to 0.36.0 last week. The falco container is still getting OOMkilled by kubernetes/cgroups (Last state: Terminated with 137: OOMKilled) with the default queue capacity config.

Unfortunately I have a hard time exposing the stats/metrics to our TSDB.

incertum commented 9 months ago

@sboschman I recall you use plugins only, there should be a regression because of a libscap refactor and metrics should be partially broken for you now :/

https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco/issues/2821 plus we need a patch release for metrics https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco/issues/2850

@FedeDP I am on it, will post updates once I have them.

poiana commented 6 months ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity.

Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

Provide feedback via https://github.com/falcosecurity/community.

/lifecycle stale

Andreagit97 commented 6 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

poiana commented 2 months ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity.

Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.

Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

Provide feedback via https://github.com/falcosecurity/community.

/lifecycle stale

FedeDP commented 2 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

leogr commented 2 months ago

Is this still an issue? :thinking: