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[PROPOSAL] Formalize container engine testing framework similar to the new kernel version testing framework #1298

Open incertum opened 10 months ago

incertum commented 10 months ago


The implementation of the formal kernel version testing framework (https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/blob/master/proposals/20230530-driver-kernel-testing-framework.md) has had a highly positive impact on the overall progress and stability of The Falco Project.

I am proposing a similar testing framework for container engines, with a specific focus on maintaining the expected functionality of each engine for a particular container runtime.

This testing would be crucial not only to identify regressions but also to demonstrate the reliability of the container engine. This is because there is no expectation for it to be flawless. Simultaneously, we must comprehend the scenarios and conditions in which we might fail to retrieve container information. This understanding will help establish a form of Service Level Objective (SLO) for adopters. For instance, in edge case race conditions, we might provide less stringent guarantees compared to a situation where a container runs for 30 days without ever having its information available. The latter case serves as an example of an opportunity to enhance the engine's robustness. Returning to the notion that perfection is unattainable, embracing a data-driven approach will assist in setting escalation thresholds for reported container engine issues.


Set up a testbed to evaluate the following:

Note: Parallel testing may be applicable to certain runtimes, while for others, individual assessments are required.

CC @falcosecurity/core-maintainers

incertum commented 7 months ago

@jasondellaluce and @Andreagit97 and others it may be time for better container engine testing, we keep breaking it see latest oversight (that was on me) https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/pull/1535

leogr commented 6 months ago

Hey @incertum

This is really interesting. Have we already collected a list of regressions we have encountered? :thinking: It would be useful to understand which aspects to focus on more.

poiana commented 3 months ago

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incertum commented 3 months ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

Some new e2e test efforts are a WIP @therealbobo

poiana commented 3 weeks ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity.

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