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New transformer: `getopt(<args>, <optstring>)` #1928

Open leogr opened 2 months ago

leogr commented 2 months ago


By introducing a transformer that works like the C getopt() function, rules authors can more easily match and handle POSIX command-line arguments. This addition will streamline the creation of rules involving command-line options, ensuring greater flexibility and accuracy in rule writing.


Introduce a getopt(<args>, <optstring>) transformer to handle command-line arguments, mimicking the functionality of the C getopt() function.

Usage examples:


Doing nothing and sticking with the current way of handling this does not seem a compelling alternative:

- rule: Netcat Remote Code Execution in Container
  desc: > 
    Netcat Program runs inside container that allows remote code execution and may be utilized 
    as a part of a variety of reverse shell payload https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/.
    These programs are of higher relevance as they are commonly installed on UNIX-like operating systems.
    Can fire in combination with the "Redirect STDOUT/STDIN to Network Connection in Container" 
    rule as it utilizes a different evt.type.
  condition: >
    and container 
    and ((proc.name = "nc" and (proc.cmdline contains " -e" or 
                                proc.cmdline contains " -c")) or
         (proc.name = "ncat" and (proc.args contains "--sh-exec" or 
                                  proc.args contains "--exec" or proc.args contains "-e " or
                                  proc.args contains "-c " or proc.args contains "--lua-exec"))

Additional context

Design consideration: it is yet to be decided whether the getopt(<args>, <optstring>) transformer should mimic the getopt_long() function (which also accepts long options starting with two dashes) or if both getopt and getopt_long transformers should be introduced. This design choice can be deferred to the implementation stage.


cc @darryk10 @loresuso

loresuso commented 2 months ago

I am rooting for this new feature! Unfortunately, sometimes we can't make rules precisely on a syscall, and we end up building it on the command line (proc.cmdline) which is most of the time very tricky and easily bypassable for a number of reasons:

Lastly, if we are going in this direction, I would say that implementing getopt_long shouldn't be that hard and will let us complete the picture of making stronger detections on command line arguments. 🎉