falkTX / Cadence

Collection of tools useful for audio production
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cadence PulseAudio bridging still using ~/.pulse/ path instead of ~/.config/pulse/ path. #316

Open Krauus opened 3 years ago

Krauus commented 3 years ago

Mint 20.1 and Ubuntu 21.04 using KXStudio Repo.

Cadence is auto-generating a ~/.pulse/ path instead of using ~/.config/pulse/ when starting and/or stopping JACK server.

user@ubuntu2104:~/.config/pulse$ cd ~/.pulse/
bash: cd: /home/user/.pulse/: No such file or directory

sudo apt install cadence, open Cadence, Start JACK, Stop JACK, (or Force Restart JACK? Not sure.) Directory is suddenly generated with auto-generated files within:

user@ubuntu2104:~/.config/pulse$ cd ~/.pulse/
user@ubuntu2104:~/.pulse$ ls -l
total 84
-rw------- 1 user user 45056 Apr 24 17:16 194d1cd2f25046068f1752f05cf43735-card-database.tdb
-rw------- 1 user user     1 Apr 24 17:16 194d1cd2f25046068f1752f05cf43735-default-sink
-rw------- 1 user user     1 Apr 24 17:16 194d1cd2f25046068f1752f05cf43735-default-source
-rw------- 1 user user 12288 Apr 24 17:16 194d1cd2f25046068f1752f05cf43735-device-volumes.tdb
-rw------- 1 user user 12288 Apr 24 17:21 194d1cd2f25046068f1752f05cf43735-stream-volumes.tdb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user    15 Apr 24 17:16 client.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user    99 Apr 24 17:16 daemon.conf

I should also mention that even though I uninstalled Cadence weeks ago, the ~/.pulse/ is still there.

Someone from Unfa's Discord just reported the following. He's on Manjaro, grabbing Cadence from Manjaro's repo:

Ok, so by default Cadence would just use the normal out of the box module-jackdbus-detect PulseAudio bridging If I manually click on the PulseAudio bridge 'Start' button (which requires me to click stop and then very quickly click Start before PulseAudio automatically reconnects to jackdbus) it will create ~/.pulse again, just like Cadence used to do before I got rid of it.

So yeah it does indeed still use ~/.pulse if you use Cadence's old fashioned PulseAudio bridging, and it also creates ~/.asoundrc if you enable the ALSA bridging

I just renamed ~/.pulse/ to ~/old.pulse/ and then did pulseaudio -k then pactl info. The changes I made in ~/.pulse/daemon.conf were gone. I re-made the changes using ~/.config/pulse/daemon.conf and they took hold after another pulseaudio -k, so the problem is fixed on my end, but anyone using Cadence, using the PulseAudio bridging Start and Stop buttons will persistently have the bad path generated.

Just did a little searching and found a matching string:

$ grep -RFs /.pulse/ /usr
Binary file /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/libpulsecommon-13.99.so matches
Binary file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/libpulsecommon-13.99.so matches
/usr/share/doc/pulseaudio/README.Debian:/etc/pulse/client.conf (or create ~/.pulse/client.conf) and ensure that
/usr/share/doc/pulseaudio/examples/pulseaudio.default.example:# ~/.pulse/client.conf (or in /etc/pulse/client.conf). By default, autospawn