falkTX / Carla

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internal MIDI plugins enhancements #1338

Open lokkiikkol opened 3 years ago

lokkiikkol commented 3 years ago

carla is awesome! i would not have dreamed to play AU and VST at such low latency on OSX!

it would be great to have some more internal midi modules to route and treat incoming midi signals.

actually it would be most flexible if there would be some kind of a modular midi plugin, one that can load a textfile as config for example.

things that i would want to use regularly:

midi remapping for aftertouch or midi cc messages: -draw a bezier curve that remaps incoming midi messages to get some nice modulation options.

complex routing options to quickly change sounds: -send incoming midi to different synths based on incoming midi cc messages. i.e. cc number 6 between 0 and 20 sends to output one 21 to 40 to output two, etc. of course we have to deal with note offs if something is playing, to avoid hanging notes :-)

moonshaadow commented 3 years ago

You should have a look at pizmidi plugins. It's a large collection of midi plugins, you can do many awesome things to control/transform/route midi stuff. It's a part of Carla repositories on linux, but I don't know if it's packaged here for osx. However a quick web search seems to give good results. Doc is here