falkTX / Carla

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Carla not remembering patchbay positions #1687

Open ComposerShirley opened 1 year ago

ComposerShirley commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm running Linux Mint/Cinnamon, and using jackd (v. 1.9.20) and Carla (v. 2.4.2).

I think I might have a similar issue to this: https://github.com/falkTX/Carla/issues/1274 , but my knowledge isn't enough to know how to rebuild JACK so that it has metadata support enabled. How might I go about doing that?

My Carla project files don't contain any position information, and running: jack_property -l ...doesn't return anything.

falkTX commented 1 year ago

This is unsupported. jack metadata is required for saving position data. Once you update Mint to 22.04 equivalent, these will work.

ComposerShirley commented 1 year ago

I should have mentioned I'm on Mint 21, which is based on Ubuntu 22.04.

falkTX commented 1 year ago

huh curious then, issue must be something else..

afaik the jack2 version in Ubuntu 22.04 has metadata support.

ComposerShirley commented 1 year ago

I upgraded my OS from Mint 20 to Mint 21 (rather than installing from scratch). So I decided to reinstall both JACK and Carla just in case, but that didn't help. The repository has quite a few JACK items, so maybe I have the wrong one? When I enter:

jackd --version

The terminal gives me:

jackdmp version 1.9.20 tmpdir /dev/shm protocol 9

I'm also using PipeWire with JACK, not sure if that could be relevant. Also, prior to reinstalling Carla, I had a .json file alongside my project file, I deleted that before reinstalling Carla. My technical knowledge of this stuff is very basic, so I could be overlooking something simple.

Thanks for the help.

Spraitazz commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue (ubuntu 20.04). Seems that connections are remembered when saving as and subsequently opening the .carxp file, but patchbay positions are not.

I have removed via "apt" all jackd-related things, then compiled jackd (version 1.9.22 I think) from the github source code, with the --dbus option, then compiled Cadence from github source and finally compiled Carla 2.5.1 from github source.

I've also had the issue that removing all jackd-related things in apt would remove gnome-control-center, and reinstalling it via apt automatically installed the required 'libjack-jackd2-0/focal,now 1.9.12~dfsg-2ubuntu2 amd64 [installed,automatic]'. I've also had to "install via apt" pulseaudio-module-jack so as to be able to use the pulseaudio-jack bridge.

I am using Cadence to start jack server, I am not sure if it might be the case that Cadence is using this rather than the compiled and "installed" jack?

jackd --version outputs the following:

Command 'jackd' not found, but can be installed with:

falkTX commented 1 year ago

the jack2 version in 20.04 does not support meta-data. you can use ubuntustudio-backports PPA to get an updated version that does. On 22.04 and above, things should already work as intended.

that is what this ticket is about, people on >= 22.04 that still have the issue.

Spraitazz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the PPA falkTX! Do you know how I could find out which jack2 version Cadence will start if I have both the ubuntu 20.04 one from apt and the one compiled from source together?

jackd --version outputs the following:

Command 'jackd' not found, but can be installed with:

falkTX commented 1 year ago

if you compiled from source, I recommend to uninstall that first. it will very likely generate conflicts

Spraitazz commented 1 year ago

Ok, I'll try uninstalling that and using adding the PPA to get jack2, then cadence and carla, via apt. Thanks!

ComposerShirley commented 1 year ago

I just tried pipewire-jack but still the same problem.

Harald-LB commented 1 year ago

I had the same problems with Ubuntu 22.04. The reason is the faulty Carla version (version 2.4.2) distributed via the Ubuntu repository. After compiling Carla from the source code (now using 2.6.0-alpha1) the problem disappeared.

Spraitazz commented 1 year ago

Thanks falkTX, adding the ubuntustudio-backports PPA did the job. This works on Carla 2.5.1 for me.

ComposerShirley commented 1 year ago

Ah thanks! I was able to find 2.5.2 as a flatpak, and it seems to work.

CoyoteSequoia commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem, not saving patchbay positions.

I have Ubuntu 22.04 with Ubuntu Studio with ubuntustudio-backports PPA jackd 1.9.21 carla 2.5.1 jack_property -l gives several lines of output

But still no position saving. No positions saved in the config file.

When I move the position of an item in the patchbay I get multiple copies of this in the log: Carla assertion failure: "uuidstr != nullptr && uuidstr[0] != '\0'" in file CarlaEngineJack.cpp, line 2419 This only happens for the items associated with my firewire jack master device (firewire_pcm). Moves of others generate no errors.

My jack device is connected with firewire (using ffado) if that is relevant.

Update: turning off ffado and then turning off all the firewire devices did not help. So it seems that my firewire device is not the issue.

Update: I downloaded and built from source 2.6.0 of Carla. The canvas saving positions works fine now.

masuraoru commented 2 months ago

I have a similar problem. Ubuntu 22.04.04 with manually installed pipeware. JACK version 1.9.20. Just yesterday I was using version 2.20 (downloaded from https://kx.studio, unfortunately there is no newer version there) The positions were saved with no problems.

Today updated to 2.5.8 from backports. Now the positions are not saved anymore.

"jack_property -l" returns only 4 positions (clearly there should be more), and the same 4 positions are in carxp.

So actually my problem is not that the positions are not loaded, but that they are not saved correctly.

I've compilerd latest Carla from source - positions saved. But there is no bridges =(