falkTX / Carla

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Arch linux Carla and calf plugin: failed to load plugin #6475 #1778

Open queengab opened 1 year ago

queengab commented 1 year ago

Hi to all! How are you? After months of choosing i finally installed my arch linux based music envirnoment and i'm configuring it for music! Installed basic arch then add an xmonad mod axarve for the gui, only a window manager not a DE, even if some in arch prefer a clean install but i didn't want to lose much time in it but in music.

So i configured pipewire with pulse and jack. I have wireplumber with some errors that i report here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=285838 but the QT gui of pipewire works well and i can use it with my default audio card.

Before start to add new input devices, sucha as midi key or external audio card, i tried to test something now with audacity and Carla.

Installed carla with pacman from aur repo and then install calf plugin after cloning the official repo and following the install instructions. I also checked calf-plugins dependencies in AUR and add link with ld config.

I start Carla, in the add plugin i can see those calf lv2 plugins but i receive this error: Failed to load plugin /usr/local/lib/lv2/calf.lv2/calf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I also use ld condif to create a link directly to usr/local/lib

queengab commented 1 year ago

The problem seems to be related with Carla 2.5.x and Calf Plugins I have installed Carla 2.5.4 (the last release present in AUR) with pacman. So now i will try to install Carla 2.6.0 directly cloning git repo.

Where can i find instructions to install Carla from git and check for dependencies in Arch?


falkTX commented 1 year ago

I think the issue is just calf-plugins, latest release seems broken.

for carla just install carla-git from AUR.

queengab commented 1 year ago

Hi @falkTX ,

thansk! Ok I installed calf-plugin directly from git compiling it. How can i correctly unistall it? Or can i just go back to previuos versions of calf plugins?

queengab commented 1 year ago


installed Carla-git from Aur (it installed the 2.6.0-alpah1 ver) and calf following install instructions: https://calf-studio-gear.org/ and downloading the last.tar and it worked! Maybe there was my mistake installing calf libraries with sudo? This time i downloaded it with my user and sudo only when i launched make install as the instrctions said.

Thanks! Bye

berarma commented 7 months ago

I'm seeing this with Carla 2.5.7 installed from Flatpak and calf plugins from the Debian 12 repository.

The x42 plugins fail in the same way but the error message is about libfftw3f.so.3 instead.