falkTX / Carla

Audio plugin host
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Auto-connect all MIDI devices to a defined node #1797

Open xeruf opened 11 months ago

xeruf commented 11 months ago

Whenever I connect my keyboard, I have to reconnect its outputs to the MIDI inputs of my VSTs. And I honestly don't care what is connected - whatever I connect should send all its midi signals through a defined pipeline. Maybe a pre-existing block in the patchbay like "All MIDI" or as a plugin which stays when reloading where it automatically receives and forwards all incoming MIDI messages?

Or am I missing something and there is a better way? I really want to assemble a valid alternative to the annoying and unstable Mainstage, but basic things like being able to play upon startup obviously have to work for that...

RElated to https://github.com/falkTX/Carla/issues/1574