falkTX / Carla

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Unable to load any LV2 plugin #1819

Closed jamesbond3142 closed 8 months ago

jamesbond3142 commented 8 months ago

Carla 2.5.5 and 2.5.7 (same error).

# carla-# carla-single lv2 http://padthv1.sourceforge.net/lv2
['/usr/lib64/carla/carla-bridge-native', 'lv2', '(none)', 'http://padthv1.sourceforge.net/lv2', '0']
libjack.so.0 loaded successfully!
[carla] Carla assertion failure: "cPlugin != nullptr" in file ../utils/CarlaLv2Utils.hpp, line 1688
[carla] Plugin failed to load, error was:
Failed to find the requested pluginsingle lv2 http://padthv1.sourceforge.net/lv2

Note the same plugin loads with jalv and qtractor.

Same error when loading Carla's "internal" plugin.

# carla-single lv2 http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/plugins/midijoin
['/usr/lib64/carla/carla-bridge-native', 'lv2', '(none)', 'http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/plugins/midijoin', '0']
libjack.so.0 loaded successfully!
[carla] Carla assertion failure: "cPlugin != nullptr" in file ../utils/CarlaLv2Utils.hpp, line 1688
[carla] Plugin failed to load, error was:
Failed to find the requested plugin

Although I can load it by running:

# carla-single internal midijoin
['/usr/lib64/carla/carla-bridge-native', 'internal', '(none)', 'midijoin', '0']
libjack.so.0 loaded successfully!
[carla] Previous plugin state in '/root/MIDI Join.carxs' is non-existent, will start from default state

So the problem seems to be that carla fails to map the URI to the actual plugin.

jamesbond3142 commented 8 months ago

I found the reason. LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH in source/modules/lilv/config/lilv_config.h points to /usr/lib/lv2. In my machine it's /usr/lib64/lv. Passing LV2_PATH to carla-single makes it work, but I'm now building with with LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH patched.