falkTX / Carla

Audio plugin host
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Feature request/proposal: auto-apply color/skin/etc. attributes to plugins by group/spec/list #1891

Open DeimosLabs opened 1 month ago

DeimosLabs commented 1 month ago

So, just brainstorming here...

For guitar/bass/keyb racks, i like to "color-code" my effects by type so i can immediately see what does what. Example would be black for anything pre-EQ or dynamics related, yellowish orange for distortion, red for amp modeling, green for cab/impulse response (and static-LFO phaser, see https://github.com/Stazed/rakarrack-plus WIP branch :D ) blueish-purple for "post" effects like chorus, reverb, delay etc. then the default dark grey for anything else.

It's kind of cumbersome to edit each plugin in each .carxp file, especially when you have tons of old ones, or some made by others - especially that you need to open each one in your editor, change, save -- or run a filter script to batch-process them, then reload the one(s) you're using in carla.

What i was thinking for a while now, is a set of user-customizable udev style "rules" (but much simpler than udev) that would instruct carla, on loading a plugin, what to do with each plugin if it matches a certain rule's criteria. These criteria could include: name, ID, maker, etc. contains/is exactly/starts/ends with "string", type (vst, lv2 etc) category and so on. Besides these specifications identifying/masking plugin(s), each rule would specify a list of actions to do with any plugin that matches these criteria: set color to this RRGGBBB, minimize/compact, set volume/dry/wet to such level, etc etc....

What do you guys think? Is it worth for me to start working on this? (my priority is still bypass plugins on disable tho)