Open mrmee opened 7 years ago
maybe the plugin you loaded before introduces latency? carla as plugin does not report that value to the host yet.
Reply after just two minutes. This is awesome!
If i understand plugin latency correctly this says the more plugins i load into Carla plugin the more latency i have to adjust by hand, right!?
Is there any method / workaround / hint to measure the caused latency?
plugins (normally) do not add extra latency. the latency is a fixed value based on the current buffer size and sample rate. the few plugins that add latency do it because they need a specific amount of data before they can start processing.
at the moment carla does not expose latency information anywhere. I intend to add this information at least in the plugin settings.
i used Carla as LV2 plugin in Ardour in Linux. To describe the issue, here is what i did:
expected behavior: since Ardour has no bus latency compensation i tried this workaround to get some bus / parallelcompression of the bussignal. Big sound with the fatness of the compressorsignal + the transients of the bussignal.
experienced behavior: strong phasing. I did a cross-check with a Calf-Compressor put directly onto the track. -> no phasing, Bus and track are sample-perfect.
Suggestion: Carla has some internal latency that is not reported to the LV2 latency information variable correctly.
Question: Is this a bug or did i miss something in my workaround?