falkenber9 / falcon

FALCON - Fast Analysis of LTE Control channels
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Prometheus Exporter #13

Open johann8384 opened 3 months ago

johann8384 commented 3 months ago

I'd like to contribute a Prometheus exporter and Grafana dashboard to see the realtime results of LTE scanning over time.

srsRAN seems to support doing this, but I don't know about srsLTE and I don't know about doing that when it's use in Falcon.

Is this already supported and I've just overlooked how to enable it?

The use case is I'd like to identify the downlinks available and as many metrics about the health of those downlinks as possible.

For example, I'd like to setup a system capturing data for 72 hours and periodically capture data about the LTE network at that location.

Types of data I'd like to capture export:

What metrics could be made available in this tool?