I'm planning to host an imageboard on Tor (.onion address), but I'm afraid of someone make a flood there.
So, I addressed features that if implemented, would make NPFchan compatible with anonymity networks like Tor, I2P and Lokinet.
1 - Interval of X seconds between thread and post creation.
===> This would prevent some retards to post lots of texts repeatedly and also defeat scripts made to flood imageboards; this option would require cookies to work.
2 - Max threads per hour.
===> In an imageboard, an owner can estimate how many threads are created by hour and establish a limit for preventing flood in board pages.
3 - Captcha mechanism for threads and posts that doesn't require JavaScript.
===> This can prevent flood; and users worried about privacy leaks in their browsers (particularly TorBrowser) can solve the captcha without problems. This PHP captcha mechanism would be great: https://www.phpcaptcha.org/
===> Addressed here: https://github.com/fallenPineapple/NPFchan/issues/241
4 - IDs system and an option to delete all posts in a specific board or in entire imageboard.
===> Connections coming from Tor and I2P will appear as "", so, deleting repeated posts in a flood attack can affect other threads, posts or even the entire imageboard if the one is hosted only in a .onion or .i2p pseudo-domain. Deleting posts by ID would affect only the matched posts and threads. A smart idea.
I'm planning to host an imageboard on Tor (.onion address), but I'm afraid of someone make a flood there.
So, I addressed features that if implemented, would make NPFchan compatible with anonymity networks like Tor, I2P and Lokinet.
1 - Interval of X seconds between thread and post creation. ===> This would prevent some retards to post lots of texts repeatedly and also defeat scripts made to flood imageboards; this option would require cookies to work.
2 - Max threads per hour. ===> In an imageboard, an owner can estimate how many threads are created by hour and establish a limit for preventing flood in board pages.
3 - Captcha mechanism for threads and posts that doesn't require JavaScript. ===> This can prevent flood; and users worried about privacy leaks in their browsers (particularly TorBrowser) can solve the captcha without problems. This PHP captcha mechanism would be great: https://www.phpcaptcha.org/ ===> Addressed here: https://github.com/fallenPineapple/NPFchan/issues/241
4 - IDs system and an option to delete all posts in a specific board or in entire imageboard. ===> Connections coming from Tor and I2P will appear as "", so, deleting repeated posts in a flood attack can affect other threads, posts or even the entire imageboard if the one is hosted only in a .onion or .i2p pseudo-domain. Deleting posts by ID would affect only the matched posts and threads. A smart idea.
5 - Link anonymizing. ===> This prevents sites to "see" from what site the link to it was clicked. It's easy to implement as anchor in HTML5 has an option to modify the link behavior: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-referrerpolicy ===> External services can also be used: https://href.li -- https://anonym.to -- https://www.linkanonymous.com -- https://anonym.es/en.html
These are my requests for making NPFchan compatible with anonymity networks.