fallenswordhelper / legacy_issues

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Lost functionality to pack management #1289

Closed gschizas closed 9 years ago

gschizas commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1290

I have lost functionality from the manage page, the function that formerly allowed
me to check AH prices or Sell items in the AH directly from my Pack management page...additionally
, I no longer have the function on the management page that allows me to move items
from the main pack into the alternate packs ( used to be a drop down located at the
top of the main pack page)

this issue began several days ago following some updates to the helper.

Issue exists on 2 different PC's one running Vista , one running Windows 7
Both running FF browser with latest updates

current helper version
(Current version: 1481, Last check: 03/Sep/2012 17:05:43)

cashe/ history has been cleared on both machines, issue still exists...I have been
told by chrome users that they are not having the same issue

Reported by bulseye@hotmail.com on 2012-09-04 01:12:50

gschizas commented 9 years ago

Reported by Vong.Help on 2012-09-04 17:23:31