fallenswordhelper / legacy_issues

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Quest Book does not show all active quests initially #1310

Open gschizas opened 9 years ago

gschizas commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1311

What is your FS Username? Not relevant

Make sure that the problem is indeed due to Fallen Sword Helper / Sigma
Storm Helper, by disabling Greasemonkey completely (by clicking on the
monkey icon) and refreshing, before submitting a defect.

**NOTE** We do not support the old UI anymore

Operating System (Linux, Windows, Mac): Win 7
Browser(Firefox, Chrome): Chrome
Browser Version (Help -> About): 30.0.1599.101 m

Theme(default, classic, B&W): default
Map Version(Beta, old): new

Include any relevant output from Error Console (Tools > Error Console).

What steps will reproduce the problem? (One defect per issue, please)
Click on questbook link, '*' is selected but no active quests listed.
FSH URL is http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=questbook&mode=0&letter=*&page=1

Link without FSH active is http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=questbook

Page will load properly with FSH turned off

Additional Info:
Select a letter (like 'a') and URL is

Select '*' all active quests listed with URL

Reported by bkravitz on 2013-11-08 18:10:56