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Update IPv4-only messaging #161

Closed jfesler closed 7 years ago

jfesler commented 7 years ago

From Facebook.

Consider the use case of IPv4 only; example: http://beta.test-ipv6.com/?ip4=,598,4&aaaa=bad,572,6&ds=ok,869,6&ipv4=ok,341,4&ipv6=bad,500,6&v6mtu=bad,799,6&v6ns=ok,1093,6&dsmtu=ok,436,6

Ross Chandler suggests:

Perhaps the green tick could be changed to an informational icon. The "Good News" deleted. The message for the item updated to "Your current configuration may not achieve the highest performance or assure connectivity to all Internet resources as global IPv6 adoption continues" and finally move it to the last item in the list just before the readiness score.

If anyone has better wording for the text, submit it here. Otherwise, once I get the chance I'll rearrange the code to support Ross's suggestion (this is more than just a words change).

jfesler commented 7 years ago

I'm going to take some liberty on this - knowing that a large part of the audience hitting my site wants simple language.

If I see IPv4-only; or if I see 6to4 or Teredo, then I'll show:

To ensure the best Internet performance and connectivity, ask your ISP about native IPv6.