falling-sky / source

Main source for falling-sky. Mostly HTML, JavaScript.
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test-ipv6.com does not have an AAAA record #183

Closed maffe closed 3 years ago

maffe commented 3 years ago

test-ipv6.com does not have an AAAA record. It would be nice to be able to reach the website on IPv6-only connections.

(Background: To avoid IPv4 address conflicts when using a VPN, I disabled the local IPv4 DHCP server so the clients only get IPv6 addresses, which are guaranteed to be unique. Now those machines cannot reach test-ipv6.com anymore when not connected to the VPN.)

jfesler commented 3 years ago

Covered by the faq. If you're on a true IPv6 only connection, without even NAT64, then please feel free to use ds.test-IPv6.com or IPv6.test-IPv6.com.

maffe commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the explanation. I found your website via a search engine. Unfortunately reading the FAQ requires a working connection :-) But I can see why it’s reasonable to omit the AAAA record.

Maybe you could try to have the search engine display a reference to ds.test-ipv6.com in the excerpt on the result page? Possibly that particular search engine uses the <meta name="description" …>, but I’m not sure. Or maybe change the page title to something like Test your IPv6. | test-ipv6.com | ds.test-ipv6.com | ipv6.test-ipv6.com, that should be displayed by most search engines.

genofire commented 2 years ago

Hmm, that is stange. Maybe it would be cooler if under test-ipv6.com is dualstack and it will create ipv4.test-ipv6.com for ipv4 only for testing any NAT64