falling-sky / source

Main source for falling-sky. Mostly HTML, JavaScript.
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Clickable links to master.test-IPv6.com should perhaps go to ds.master.test-IPv6.com #186

Closed jfesler closed 3 years ago

jfesler commented 3 years ago

"hello" reported:

I was testing an ipv6 only connection with ds.test-ipv6.com and I noticed that when I click on the stats button, It sends me to the domain master.test-ipv6.com which only has an A record. The only way I can access it is if I replace master with ds or ipv6.

The stats button on the ds and ipv6 only website should also send the user to one with ipv6.

jfesler commented 3 years ago

If I do this, then anyone who stalls on IPv6, won't have their stats reported. The number of people running truly IPv6 only (no nat64, no dual stack, no ds-lite, etc) are pretty minimal compared to the numbers of broken users I'm still seeing reported with respect to IPv6.

jfesler commented 3 years ago

I will however consider looking at the domain the user visited with, and seeing if I can bias the reporting address to match.

jfesler commented 3 years ago

Rolling out now, can take up to 24 hours.