falling-sky / source

Main source for falling-sky. Mostly HTML, JavaScript.
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avoids_ipv6 on new mirror setup #209

Closed agreppin closed 2 months ago

agreppin commented 2 months ago


I made an alternative setup with lighttpd + custom fcgi backend (WIP). I'm using Vivaldi/Chrome to test it and the avoids_ipv6 warning is always shown. The test URL is https://test-ipv6.chilibi.ch/.

To solve this (just annoying) problem, I found a workaround, that is change GIGO.slowcount_delay to 100 in index.js (GIGO.use_queue = 1 also does the job). The test URL is https://test-ipv6.chilibi.ch/site/index.html.

The cause of the problem is maybe that lighttpd responds faster that Apache, not sure. I need some advice on how to solve this, please.

Note1: when I paste the URL https://ds.test-ipv6.chilibi.ch/ip/ in the same browser, it always shows type: ipv6.

Note2: another problem with lighttpd is that is replace any Content-Type application/javascript to text/javascript; I had to transform it back with some lua glue to fully pass your validator.

jfesler commented 2 months ago

The site is not compatible with http/2. http/2 does connection coalescing. that is counter to what this site needs to do.

please disable h2 to solve the problem.

agreppin commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your answer I disabled http/2. Now, I have to polish somewhat my setup before submitting as a new mirror. Thank you for test-ipv6.com !

jfesler commented 2 months ago

Please keep in mind occasionally the list of supported languages will vary. Not as often as it used to, but it does vary.

There's a redirect I expect to see, that reports the version of the languages and redirects. https://github.com/falling-sky/source/blob/master/templates/apache/dot.htaccess#L82

The online validator doesn't care as much about the git version, but does care greatly about the signature, and will mark a mirror as non-compliant.

I'd recommend monitoring this url with any monitor software you have and will pay attention to:


I'd check this every 5-15 minutes.

For officially listed mirrors, I will /also/ monitor, and send nagios alerts, based on polling every 5 minutes, with the first alert happening at 4 hours (to avoid any transient issues), and every 24 hours after that.

I will go ahead and close this issue.