falox / libvirt-csharp

libvirt virtualization API C# bindings
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Connect.GetDomains throw System.BadImageFormatException #4

Open WenceyWang opened 3 years ago

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago
public List<Domain> GetDomains(virConnectListAllDomainsFlags flags = default)
    int result = Libvirt.virConnectListAllDomains(_conn, out IntPtr ptrDomains, flags);


    List<Domain> domains = new List<Domain>();

    for (int i = 0; i < result; i++)
        IntPtr ptrDomain = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptrDomains, i * IntPtr.Size);
        domains.Add(new Domain(_conn, ptrDomain));


    return domains;

Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrDomains); calls Kernel32.LocalFree instead of free in vcrt on Windows and cause System.BadImageFormatException

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/libvirt/libvirt-csharp/blob/c5a8a21027f52450aff24eeba5db0d49316bd133/NativeFunctions.cs#L30 tried to import free from msvcrt.dll or libc.so.6 by dllmap.

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

image I have found a VirFree in prebuilt dll exports, It's

 * @ptr: pointer holding address to be freed
 * Free the memory stored in 'ptr' and update to point
 * to NULL.
 * This macro is safe to use on arguments with side effects.
#define VIR_FREE(ptr) g_clear_pointer(&(ptr), g_free)

and in driver implemention:

if (domains) {
        doms = g_new0(virDomainPtr, nvms + 1);

        for (i = 0; i < nvms; i++) {
            virDomainObjPtr vm = vms[i];

            doms[i] = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid, vm->def->id);

            if (!doms[i])
                goto cleanup;

        *domains = doms;
        doms = NULL;

which memory is allocated by https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Memory-Allocation.html#g-new0

falox commented 3 years ago

@WenceyWang the bug is on Windows only?

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

seems yes, Marshal.FreeHGlobal will call free in libc.

falox commented 3 years ago

So, if you comment Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrDomains); and run the tests on Windows with dotnet test, is everything ok?

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

For GetDomains, Yes. I have P/Invoked virFree to free this memory and things go fine.

But for other tests. It's not so well. there are a lot of problems, Domain.Xml have some issue and much more.

I'll PR after I fixed things up.

invalid domain pointer in virDomainGetXMLDesc
   at libvirt.LibvirtHelper.ThrowExceptionOn(Func`1 predicate) in C:\Repos\libvirt-csharp-core\src\libvirt\LibvirtHelper.cs:line 22
   at libvirt.LibvirtHelper.ThrowExceptionOnError(String result) in C:\Repos\libvirt-csharp-core\src\libvirt\LibvirtHelper.cs:line 12
   at libvirt.LibvirtObject.ThrowExceptionOnError(String result) in C:\Repos\libvirt-csharp-core\src\libvirt\LibvirtObject.cs:line 58
   at libvirt.LibvirtObject.GetString(Func`1 func) in C:\Repos\libvirt-csharp-core\src\libvirt\LibvirtObject.cs:line 25
   at libvirt.Domain.get_Xml() in C:\Repos\libvirt-csharp-core\src\libvirt\Domain.cs:line 50
WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

I found that the problem is that Marshal to string:

[DllImport(Libvirt.Name, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "virDomainGetXMLDesc")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
public static extern string virDomainGetXMLDesc(IntPtr domain, int flags = 0);


WenceyWang commented 3 years ago

I think we have to read strings using Marshal.PtrToStringAuto and then free memory by P/Invoke free in msvcrt/libc.

And virFree does not exist on dll I complied. We have to DllImport free from msvcrt/libc.

WenceyWang commented 3 years ago


public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object ManagedObj) =>  Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi((string) ManagedObj);

will cause memory leak.