familyfriendlymikey / mpv-cut

An mpv plugin for cutting videos incredibly quickly.
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Reintroducing Hardsubs #1

Open familyfriendlymikey opened 2 years ago

familyfriendlymikey commented 2 years ago

In response to a github user who messaged me elsewhere about reintroducing the hardsubs feature:

I think I may have a great idea regarding this, sort of similar to what you mentioned. I'm assuming you're familiar with the fact that the script generates a "cut list" text file, which you can feed to the included Python script make_cuts to make the cuts. It was already somewhat of a pain to jump in a terminal, navigate to the correct directory, and run make_cuts. But what if we were to forego the cut list and make_cuts files entirely, and instead have mpv-cut generate a Python file, such as, which would act as both the cut list for backup purposes and as the make_cuts script:

filename = "LIST_CHANNEL_NAME_Source_Video_File_Name.mkv"
timestamps = [
    (105.67, 108),
    (156, 187),
    (256, 270.12432)

hardsubs = True

import ffmpeg

To be clear, this would mean that the "hardsubs" option wouldn't actually generate a video file with hardsubs. Instead, by default mpv-cut would generate a cut list which would now be a self-contained python file that gets placed in the same directory as the source video, which you would simply double click to execute once you're done watching your video, and enabling the "hardsubs" option would generate a script where hardsubs = True.

This has several pros:

files = [
        filename: "LIST_CHANNEL_NAME_Source_Video_File_Name.mkv",
        timestamps = [
            (105.67, 108),
            (156, 187),
            (256, 270.12432)

hardsubs = True

import ffmpeg

and instead of dealing with just one file, we loop through the filenames list. This way, the user can easily combine multiple cut lists together by pasting additional file objects into the files dict (I have some ideas to make this even more convenient but maybe later).

Furthermore, if the user wants to change the behavior of the generated script or supply some flags to ffmpeg without having to edit the script, we could allow easy passing of args by doing something like:

files = [

import sys

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    args = sys.argv[2:]
    # this else block would contain the options the user chose
    # inside of mpv, for example having hardsubs toggled on
    args = ["hardsubs"]

import ffmpeg

This way, we could potentially add even more functionality, such as a concat option or a framerate option (not inside of mpv-cut, but as commandline args to the generated cut list script).

The drawbacks, which IMO are completely negligible, are that

Let me know if you disagree with anything. I know for some people one extra step can be a dealbreaker, but compared to the reduced complexity in mpv/increased modularity and flexibility this provides, I think this seems like a great workflow. There are some technicalities to deal with but this shouldn't be too hard. I'm open to discussion though.

If you do like this idea, I'd be down to implement it if you figure out the Python ffmpeg wrapper queries for hardsubs, assuming they exist.

familyfriendlymikey commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this is considered hacky, but this appears to work well. Can test by placing test_video.mkv in the same dir.

import os, subprocess

def make_cuts(cut_list):


    for index, cut in enumerate(cut_list):

        inpath, args, timestamps = cut[2:].strip().split(" : ")
        inpath_noext, ext = os.path.splitext(inpath)
        args = args.split()
        start_time, duration = timestamps.split()
        end_time = str(float(start_time) + float(duration)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
        outpath = f"ENCODE_{inpath_noext}_FROM_{start_time}_TO_{end_time}{ext}"

        cmd = [
            "-nostdin", "-y", "-loglevel", "error",
            "-ss", start_time,
            "-t", duration,
            "-i", inpath,
            "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
            "-crf", "16",
            "-preset", "superfast",

        print(f"\x1b[32m({index + 1}/{len(cut_list)})\x1b[0m {inpath} \x1b[32m->\x1b[0m")
        print(f"\x1b[34m{' '.join(cmd)}\x1b[0m\n")

with open(__file__, "r") as this_file:
    lines = this_file.readlines()
    cut_list_index = lines.index("# BEGIN CUT LIST\n") + 1
    cut_list = lines[cut_list_index:]

# test_video.mkv : encode : 10.438 2.254
# test_video.mkv : encode : 20.843 5.438

If we put the cut list at the bottom like this, we don't have to parse the file in any way, and we can rely on LUA to append lines to the file if it already exists rather than risking reading and writing over an existing file.

lukasschwab commented 2 years ago

Preface: I don't have much use for the cut list feature. I see how it could be useful, but I'm almost always scrubbing for and clipping a single range. Not having an extra step to do that––not having to leave mpv to reencode a range––is what makes mpv-cut useful to me.

You know what you want from cut lists, so I'll gladly defer to you!

But what if we were to forego the cut list and make_cuts files entirely, and instead have mpv-cut generate a Python file, such as, which would act as both the cut list for backup purposes and as the make_cuts script...

I see two risks with encapsulated cut lists

  1. Dependencies/environments might change in a way that breaks already-generated scripts.
  2. Data stored in a Python script is harder to access programmatically, which makes it harder to compose mpv-cut with other scripts.

It seems more natural to me to beef up make_cuts and use it more consistently, rather than trying to keep it in sync with the ffmpeg logic in cut.lua.

Suppose make_cuts reads tabular or JSONL data from stdin:

{ "file": "test_video.mkv", "start": 10.438, "end": 2.254 }
{ "file": "test_video.mkv", "start": 20.843, "end": 5.438 }

(JSON is nice because it's easy to extend with named options in the future, without breaking backwards-compatibility with old make_cuts versions and old cut lists).

Then cut.lua could invoke make_cuts instead of calling ffmpeg, passing it a single clip definition:

    "echo", '{ "file": "test_video.mkv", "start": 20.843, "end": 5.438 }',
    "|", "make_cuts" -- TODO: figure out if you can actually pipe like this.

Then make_cuts can become the flexible/modular part, with options to tailor its behavior (a concat option, a framerate option, etc). cut.lua passes the local vars that serve as its config as make_cuts flags.

Of course, I'm totally content to customize these scripts for my own use case and just report whatever I learn about using ffprobe to switch between the ffmpeg subs-encoding options. No pressure!


lukasschwab commented 2 years ago

I immediately ran into an issue hardcoding SRT subs from ffmpeg-python:

familyfriendlymikey commented 2 years ago

Great points, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm open to doing that.

Regarding ffmpeg-python, I figured using a wrapper would be more straightforward/robust than parsing the result of ffprobe from scratch, but if not, using child_process or whatever is cool too. I'm not sure if you already had things working for both srt and image subs on your fork, so I hope the ffmpeg-python stuff wasn't too time consuming!

Also, this may no longer be relevant, but regarding getting stdout from a subprocess in mpv:

local r = mp.command_native({
    name = "subprocess",
    playback_only = false,
    capture_stdout = true,
    args = {"cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"},
if r.status == 0 then
    print("result: " .. r.stdout)

I'll see about modifying cut.lua.

akippnn commented 1 year ago

I'm assuming Node will be abandoned in favour of Python?

familyfriendlymikey commented 1 year ago

Nope, I implemented the changes in Python but the VM startup seemed pretty slow to me so I rewrote it in Imba targeting Node.

akippnn commented 1 year ago

Oh right. I suppose considering you haven't closed it yet, I assume hardcoding subs is still on the scope of the project?

familyfriendlymikey commented 1 year ago

I assume hardcoding subs is still on the scope of the project?

Absolutely. It's just that ffmpeg is a bit of a beast imo, so finding one command to handle every use case is pretty hard. That's why I ended up making the mpv extension as simple as possible (iirc lukas here had some nice ideas that inspired me), and just had it pipe JSON to an arbitrary external script where people could support their own use cases without having to learn lua or mpv's api. I'm now realizing though that most people won't customize the make_cuts script.

Maybe a better solution is to just allow people to supply their own actions in the config.lua file. So users could potentially do something like:

    "COPY": "ffmpeg -ss {start_time} -t {duration} -i {infile} -c copy COPY_{channel}_FROM_{start_time}_TO_{end_time}_{outfile}"
    "HARDSUBS_SRT": ...

Then users can support their own use cases as long as they have some ffmpeg knowledge, and I might be able to just get rid of the Node dependency altogether.

akippnn commented 1 year ago

That sounds about right. I don't think there's one command to handle every use case. I think in this case it's probably better to get information like the subtitle format from ffmpeg -i and the subtitle track currently being viewed.

Though I assume you can also get the subtitle format from mpv itself, so there's no need to use ffmpeg -i.

familyfriendlymikey commented 1 year ago

Alright I completely removed the Node dependency and made it very easy to configure custom actions. Example config.lua:

ACTIONS.ENCODE = function(d)
    local args = {
        "-nostdin", "-y",
        "-loglevel", "error",
        "-i", d.inpath,
        "-ss", d.start_time,
        "-t", d.duration,
        "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
        "-crf", "16",
        "-preset", "superfast",
        utils.join_path(d.indir, "ENCODE_" .. .. "_" .. d.infile_noext .. "_FROM_" .. d.start_time_hms .. "_TO_" .. d.end_time_hms .. d.ext)
        name = "subprocess",
        args = args,
        playback_only = false,
    }, function() print("Done") end)

I'm still interested in having the default encode action account for subs but I'm not really stoked to research ffmpeg stuff for a use case I don't have at this moment, so it'll have to wait unless someone finds a command that works for srt, image, and no subs (or any other cases if there are any).

akippnn commented 1 year ago

I'll see what I can do at the weekend