Open famoser opened 4 years ago
first service of VSETH: OIDC Discovery at application name is vseth-newsletter-new
token will look like
{ "jti": "4523162c-ec0a-41cb-b5f2-7ccadc72c37b", "exp": 1585309985, "nbf": 0, "iat": 1585304375, "iss": "", "sub": "8784136e-980f-4545-8b04-02f672fb3093", "typ": "Bearer", "azp": "vseth-newsletter-new", "auth_time": 0, "session_state": "d1fbf8ed-bfa2-4abf-b6c7-22731ad610cb", "acr": "1", "resource_access": { "vseth-newsletter-new": { "roles": [ "0700-jamesbond" ] } }, "scope": "openid profile email", "email_verified": true, "name": "Peter Müller", "preferred_username": "muellerpe", "given_name": "Peter", "family_name": "Müller", "email": "" }
after setup, configure redirect URIs with administrator
implementation non-trivial; wait for organisation sync #5 to avoid refactoring of authentication twice.
first service of VSETH: OIDC Discovery at application name is vseth-newsletter-new
token will look like
after setup, configure redirect URIs with administrator