fancyapps / fancybox

jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable.
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Add support for RTL locales #1210

Open ZakariaEsbaiy opened 7 years ago

ZakariaEsbaiy commented 7 years ago

fancybox cause problems when clicking on images if the website had dirction rtl on body, and the controls and animations are glitchy.

mjcampagna commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this. Some of what I see when using right-to-left includes:

Switching my page back to left-to-right, everything functions as expected.

fancyapps commented 7 years ago

These glitches were easy to fix by couple of CSS lines (included in the last commit).

But, could you describe what would be needed for full RTL support? I suspect navigation arrows should be switched places, right? What else?

ZakariaEsbaiy commented 7 years ago

@fancyapps Yeah I fixed it by adding dir:ltr; to .fancybox-container. But that just fix the problems not support RTL. Yeah navigation arrows should be switched places, also the direction of animation, and the caption should go to the right, and the buttons (full screen, close, ...) should go to the left. Basically everything should switch places, I've worked on a lot of RTL websites, everything should switch places, you can confirm that by checking some RTL websites on Thank you for the awesome plugin by the way.

VadimLu commented 7 years ago

Same here.. For example Hebrew/Arabic Langs, Everything goes from right to left..

alan-zhang- commented 6 years ago

Hi, when arabic website would be supported?

technilogics commented 1 year ago

when Arabic support will be added, using css i fix directions placement, but image scrolling direction should be reversed