fancyapps / ui

A library of JavaScript UI components, includes the best lightbox - Fancybox5
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Where does the gray background load from when the resolution is reduced? #636

Closed kosh2323 closed 3 months ago

kosh2323 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I'm faced with such a task. I use ordinary *jpg images. And I download them locally from the images/fan/ folder that I created, and the group is also called. Here is the code for inserting one slide

<script> Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="fan"]', { Thumbs : { type: "classic" } }); </script>

Everything works, but when the resolution is reduced in the code inspector in Chrome, a gray background appears from somewhere, as if from under the image, I can't even understand why and where it comes from, it spoils the design. Help me understand what needs to be done to remove it completely. im01 im1 im2 im3

kosh2323 commented 3 months ago

The image that I am inserting

fancyapps commented 3 months ago


For small screen devices, to save space, the caption is placed over the content, you can disable this feature using compact:false option, see this demo -

kosh2323 commented 3 months ago

Thank you very much, you helped a lot, and success in all your projects!