fandreuz / TUI-ConsoleLauncher

Linux CLI Launcher for Android
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Behavior_Lose #358

Open Wumbo-11 opened 2 years ago

Wumbo-11 commented 2 years ago


Can someone give pointers to omit the writing

"[%t] sh: ..... Not found"

maybe it's in behavior or something else, but I didn't find a way. Thanks for the Help!

ghost commented 2 years ago

That seems about right. Is that an alias? What were you expecting would happen?

LeDiableCorvus commented 2 years ago

cat is one of the frequently used commands in Linux. It is used to see the contents of a file on standard output (sdout). To run this command, enter cat followed by the filename and extension. For example: cat file.txt

Here are other ways to use the cat command:

cat > filename creates a new file cat file1 file2 > file3 merge two files (1 and 2) and store the result in a new file (3) cat filename | tr a-z A-Z > result.txt to change a file to upper or lower case

In my tests w/ t-ui the [cat] cmd isn't responding apropriately --makes restarting t-ui necessary. Alternatively, I use [echo], [touch], or [tuixt] for file creation

Also, remember to check your syntax and casing (⌐⊙_⊙)