fanglab / mbin

mBin: a methylation-based binning framework for metagenomic SMRT sequencing reads
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Add small test data set for installation validation #2

Open jbeaulaurier opened 6 years ago

jbeaulaurier commented 6 years ago


Need to identify a good (small) test set of aligned and unaligned reads to be included in the package for testing purposes.


There are some good data sets included in the pbcore data:

  1. BAM of aligned reads: m140905_042212_sidney_c100564852550000001823085912221377_s1_X0.aligned_subreads.bam here

  2. cmp.h5 of aligned reads: m140905_042212_sidney_c100564852550000001823085912221377_s1_X0.aligned_subreads.cmp.h5 here

  3. bax.h5 of unaligned E. coli K12 reads: m140912_020930_00114_c100702482550000001823141103261590_s1_p0 movie.1.bax.h5 movie.2.bax.h5 movie.3.bax.h5 bas.h5

  4. BAM of unaligned reads: possibly here otherwise the bax2bam output of m140912_020930_00114_c100702482550000001823141103261590_s1_p0 above