fangli / fluent-plugin-influxdb

A buffered output plugin for fluentd and InfluxDB
MIT License
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Document the format of a message #40

Closed stvnwrgs closed 8 years ago

stvnwrgs commented 8 years ago

Im trying to figure out how a line in a file must be formated to be forwarded to influx.

After 3 hours with guessing, looking at tests, previous issues and looking a little bit into the code, i think this ticket is my last hope.

Could you add a line to the config section with a example line? This would be a big help!

I think a good example would be the InfluxDB example:

cpu_load_short,host=server02 value=0.67
cpu_load_short,host=server02,region=us-west value=0.55 1422568543702900257
cpu_load_short,direction=in,host=server01,region=us-west value=2.0 1422568543702900257

What should my config and input line look like, to get the same data like the influxdb example, into my influx?:

    type tail
    path /tmp/dummy.log
    pos_file /tmp/dummy.log.pos
    tag dummy.test
    format none
  <match dummy.*>
    type influxdb
    port 8086
    dbname db
    user admin
    password xxxxxx
    use_ssl false
    tag_keys ["host"]
    time_precision s
repeatedly commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand your problem. This plugin uses influxdb client so you can see the API on the influxdb document. I think writing format in the README is not needed because it is redundant and syncing document increases maintainance cost.

stvnwrgs commented 8 years ago

I can understand that you don't want to increase the maintenance costs, but im still not getting forward. My final goal is to get stdout from docker containers that matches a certain line. something like: my.metric tag1=asd,tag2=hostname value=3 to influx.

For testing reasons, i tried to read them from a file first. (Like the config above)

When I echoed the lines into the file I got a new measurement in influx, but without any value or tag.

That's the reason i am asking for help here. I don't get the relation of tag_keys, the value, and the message format in my file. Maybe my problem is a more general misunderstanding of chunk.msgpack_each?

repeatedly commented 8 years ago

I'm very confusing. This title is "Document the format of a message" so I assume you want to add Influxdb's REST API spec to README. But your response contains "im still not getting forward". I still can't understand what the essential of this issue.

reasn commented 8 years ago

I accidentally stumbled across this issue having the same question, if I get things right I might clarify:

As I understand from the description fluent-plugin-influxdb allows writing data from e.g. the "tail" source plugin to influxdb. If I understood this right the question is:

repeatedly commented 8 years ago

How do lines have to be formatted so that they can be parsed by your plugin?


Is there any live example of log output being parsed and transmitted to influxdb by the fluent-plugin-influxdb plugin?

InfluxData document writes live example.

stvnwrgs commented 8 years ago

Great, was my fault. Thank you!