fangq / iso2mesh

Iso2Mesh - a 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
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cgalv2m does not create flat boundaries #63

Closed SYP-code closed 2 years ago

SYP-code commented 2 years ago

Hi @fangq

Regarding our discussion about the error on " cgalv2m "

Here is the error : 错误使用 cgalv2m (第 87 行) output file was not found, failure was encountered when running command: \n"E:\Works during the student period\Work during PhD\SOFC research\SOFC Model\Mesh\iso2mesh\iso2mesh\bin\cgalmesh.exe" "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\iso2mesh-Lenovo\pre_cgalmesh.inr" "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\iso2mesh-Lenovo\post_cgalmesh.mesh" 30.000000 5.000000 0.500000 3.000000 1=5:0.7:5:5:5:5 1648335518

出错 vol2mesh (第 54 行) [node elem,face]=cgalv2m(vol,opt,maxvol);

出错 v2m (第 18 行) [node,elem,face]=vol2mesh(img,1:size(img,1),1:size(img,2),1:size(img,3),opt,maxvol,1,method,isovalues);

出错 Mesh_generation (第 12 行) [node,elem,face]=v2m(imag,0.5,opt,maxvol,'cgalmesh');

fangq commented 2 years ago

Please edit your report to provide more details - and add a small script so that I can reproduce this issue.

SYP-code commented 2 years ago

hello Dr Fang I want to draw a grid of multiple sub-regions, but I can't get a grid cell with a flat border using cgalmesh . How can I make the border look like a box?

t=uint8(t); clear opt; opt.autoregion=1; opt.radbound=5; % set surface triangle maximum size opt.distbound=0.5; % set max distance that deviates from the level-set



fangq commented 2 years ago

@SYP-code, sorry for the delay. yes, our current cgalmesh module does not support flat boundaries. Newer CGAL releases supports such feature but currently it produces very dense meshes, see

if you just want to have grid-shaped volumes, you can use latticegrid.m to produce a surface model and mesh it using s2m, something like this demo code