fangwei123456 / Spike-Element-Wise-ResNet

Deep Residual Learning in Spiking Neural Networks
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Problem setting up spikingjelly in a conda environment #15

Open yzlc080733 opened 2 years ago

yzlc080733 commented 2 years ago

(This is more a suggestion than an issue :)

Thanks a lot for sharing your code.

However, there is no introduction on how to set up a conda environment to run the code. I encountered many problems installing the specific spikingjelly mentioned in The problems include: python install asks for python=3.8 ; cannot install when torch is 1.4/1.8/1.12 ; complains no tensorboard is available.

Could you please provide more details on the dependencies?

// After spending much time on it, I finally got a working plan for my machine(Linux x64): python=3.8 pytorch=1.6.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 tensorboard=1

fangwei123456 commented 2 years ago

Hi, you can use pip install tensorboard before install spikingjelly to avoid this problem.

fangwei123456 commented 2 years ago