fani-lab / Adila

Fairness-Aware Team Formation
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2022:ACM: Fairness in Ranking, Part II: Learning-to-Rank and Recommender Systems (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) #79

Open Hamedloghmani opened 1 year ago

Hamedloghmani commented 1 year ago

The second part of this survey focuses on fairness in learning based methods and recommender systems. Since the paper is already too dense, I'll try to extract key definitions and concepts here for myself and others.

  1. What is the difference between score-based and LtR rankers ? It is in how the score is obtained in score-based ranking, a function is given to calculate the scores Y, while in supervised learning, the ranking function fˆ is learned from a set of training examples and the score Yˆ is estimated.
  2. We are usually interested in NDCG at the top-k (denoted NDCGk ), and so normalize the position-discounted gain of the top-k in the predicted ranking by the position-discounted gain of the top-k in the ideal ranking.
  3. Average Precision (MAP). consists of several parts: first, precision at position k (P@k) is calculated as the proportion of query-relevant candidates in the top-k positions of the predicted ranking ˆ τ. This proportion is computed for all positions in ˆ τ, and then averaged by the number of relevant candidates for a given query to compute average precision (AP). Finally, MAP is calculated as the mean of AP values across all queries. MAP enables a performance comparison between models irrespective of the number of queries that were given at training time.
  4. Two main lines of work on measuring fairness in rankings, and enacting fairness-enhancing interventions, have emerged over the past several years: probability-based and exposure-based. Both interpret fairness as a requirement to provide a predefined share of visibility for one or more protected groups throughout a ranking.
  1. The algorithmic fairness community is familiar with the distinction between individual fairness, a requirement that individuals who are similar with respect to a task are treated similarly by the algorithmic process, and group fairness, a requirement that outcomes of the algorithmic process be in some sense equalized across groups. Probability-based fairness definitions are designed to express strict group fairness goals. Thus, they do not allow later compensation for unfairness in higher ranking positions, since a ranking has to pass the statistical significance test at every position to be declared fair. If a ranking fails the fairness test at any point, it is immediately declared unfair, in contrast to exposure-based definitions.

  2. There are three types of bias:

  1. General advantages of pre-processing methods:

General disadvantages are as follows: