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2020 : SIGIR: Joint Item Recommendation and Attribute Inference: An Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network Approach #170

Open karan96 opened 2 years ago

karan96 commented 2 years ago

Title: - SIGIR: Joint Item Recommendation and Attribute Inference: An Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network Approach Year: - 2020 Venue: - 43rd International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval

Main Problem The authors argues that recommendation methods such as Collabortive Filtering and GCNs do not perform very well when it comes to values missing some of the attribute information. In a real world setting this is frequently observed when a user's attributes are incomplete. The authors target the joint item recommendation problem and attribute inference problem under GCN based approach. Item Recommendation Problem: - Recommending an item to the user. Attribute Inference Problem: - Missing attributes for a particular user.

Related Work Author states multiple problems with the existing work that serves a basis for this research work: -

Proposed Approach The author proposes a model named AGCN which contains two learning modules: - graph learning module and attribute update module. At each iteration, graph learning module takes the predicted attribute value and learns network parameters which is then fed to the attribute update module that is then designed to infer missing attribute values which then updates these and are sent back to graph learning module until the model converges.

Input Users, Items and their respective attribute values.

Output Recommended item for a particular user.

Dataset Amazon-Video Games Movilens -1M Movielens -20M


Pros and Cons

The paper introduces a new approach to the missing attribute problem Provides good comparison against baselines.

Currently in process of implementing this on our toy dataset.

hosseinfani commented 2 years ago


karan96 commented 2 years ago

@hosseinfani Greetings Dr. Fani, In order to implement this work on our toy dataset, I am trying to understand the files they are using as the dataset in their work. They have not explained how they are preprocessing the data so I am trying to understand myself. Here is a summary of the files they are using from what I have understood: -

traindata # Training Data valdata # Validation Data testdata # Test Data user_items # User - Items A_indexs # User/Items(Uncertain) to indexes A_values # Couldn't understand how they are creating this. item_attributes # Attributes of skills and location - Needs discussion item_attributes_missing # Not Required and Couldn't understand how they are creating this. existing_item_list # Not Required userset # User ids itemset # Item ids(Skills, Location) missing_item_list # Not Required

I have confusion on how should the data be prepared and want to have a discussion with you.

karan96 commented 2 years ago

An Update on the above data files based on the discussion we had today: - users: - experts / location user's attirbutes: - skills items: - location / users

traindata # Training Data valdata # Validation Data testdata # Test Data user_items # User - Items -- User to location set where ({userid:{location_ids}}) A_indexs # User/Items(Uncertain) to indexes - Adjacency Matrix of user, items in the form: - [[user_id_0, item_id_0], [item_id_0, user_id_0], ........] A_values # Couldn't understand how they are creating this. - Adjacency Values - Not sure how they are creating this item_attributes # Attributes of skills and location - Needs discussion - Not focusing/including in our work item_attributes_missing # Not Required and Couldn't understand how they are creating this. - Not Required existing_item_list # Not Required userset # User ids - Expert ids itemset # Item ids - Location ids missing_item_list # Not Required

karan96 commented 2 years ago

@hosseinfani Dr. Fani, I require your presence in the lab tomorrow i.e. Saturday 17 Sept. Kindly let me know when you are available and I will come to the lab.