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Online Predatory Conversation Detection
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Detection of Cyber Grooming in Online Conversation; 2019; Patrick Bours, Halvor Kulsrud #29

Open hamedwaezi01 opened 1 year ago

hamedwaezi01 commented 1 year ago

Detection of Cyber Grooming in Online Conversation Patrick Bours, Halvor Kulsrud December 2019

Why I chose this paper? It was a 2019 paper and they used various algorithms. They also tried to detect the predator in the early phases of conversations and, as they said, no one has done the same thing before. Their metrics were an F-0.5 score and an F-2 score which shows they did care about different aspects of the topic.

The main problem: finding a predator in an online conversation

The minor problem: finding a predator in an online conversation as soon as possible.

Applications: Automatic detection of online predators in a conversation in the early stages of the conversation

Existing Works: Villatoro-Tello et al (winner of PAN2012) Eriksson and Karlgren (5th place of PAN2012) (high recall 0.8937, precision 0.8566) Ebrahimi et al; used CNN on PAN2012 (2016) Pandey et al; on full Perverted Justice dataset (Detecting predatory behavior from online textual chats) Gunawan et al (Detecting online child grooming conversation)

Method: They first preprocessed the PAN2012 data, then created Bag of Words (BoW) and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) feature sets.

They used three approaches and five classification algorithms. The approaches: Messaged-based detection (MBD), author-based detection (ABD), conversation-based detection (CBD) Classification algorithms: Logistic Regression, Ridge, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Neural Network


  1. Choosing conversations with only 2 chatters
  2. Filtering conversations with less than 6 messages
  3. Filtering messages with empty strings
  4. tokens (words) lowered the case
  5. special characters replaced with whitespace
  6. removed characters other than alphanumeric chars, whitespace, #, +, and _.
  7. removed stopwords

Bag of Words: Used 5000 most common words (common in the corpus or generally?)

TF-IDF: Used 18953 features of unigrams and bigrams. Filtered max document frequency (DF) of %90, and min DF of 5 documents

  • MBD:

Input and Output:

Gaps: the authors did not talk about the details of their neural network. in the CBD method, they just used the phase one results of one of the algorithms for the second phase algorithms.


Did they answer the question? The author concluded that the ABD approach alongside NN with TF-IDF works well. In overall, TF-IDF results were always more prominent

Early detection Almost all the classifiers needed at least 36 messages of conversation to have a recall over 0.8. For a precision of over 0.8 the classifiers needed at least 21 messages.

Also, they used 10 full Perverted Justice conversations for the early detection step. Using CBD, SVM and TF-IDF for phase 1, and NB for the second phase. In most cases, 10% of the conversation was needed (their lengths were on average around 3000 messages).

hosseinfani commented 1 year ago

@hamedwaezi01 very nice summary. I'm happy that what we were thinking was followed by others. So, we're in the right track!

hosseinfani commented 1 year ago

@hamedwaezi01 so, they could reproduce Ebrahimi's work? or just report the values? Also, now this becomes an important baseline for the project, what do you think?

hamedwaezi01 commented 1 year ago

Actually, they only reported the results of Ebrahimi's and did not mention any implementation. About the baseline, their best results were driven from the Ridge classifier and the Naïve Bayes classifier none of which is a neural network. Additionally, I saw a 2022 paper by the same author, Bours, and would like to have a look at it. Its title is 'Predatory Conversation Detection Using Transfer Learning Approach'.