fani-lab / ReQue

A Benchmark Workflow and Dataset Collection for Query Refinement
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2022 WSDM Improving Session Search by Modeling Multi-Granularity Historical Query Change #36

Open DelaramRajaei opened 11 months ago

DelaramRajaei commented 11 months ago

Main problem

In session search, historical interaction between the user and the search engine is helpful in document ranking performance. Not all the information is helpful and some of them may mislead the query rewriting system. Some systems use this information but do not consider semantics. This paper focuses on rewriting a query by calculating word weights with the help of the user's history in searching such query, without losing its concept.

Related Works & Their Gaps

Proposed Method

HQCN model: Historical Query Change Aware Ranking Network

For example, a user is conducting a search session looking for information about computer science. The session context, denoted as S, includes the historical queries and their corresponding clicked documents. Here's an example of S: S = [(Query: "Machine learning algorithms", Clicked Document: "Introduction to Machine Learning") (Query: "Python programming tutorials", Clicked Document: "Python for Beginners") (Query: "Data science tools", Clicked Document: "Top Data Science Tools 2023")]

The user enters a new query related to computer science, let's call it 𝑞𝑡: Current Query: "Deep learning frameworks comparison"

This model is divided into four parts:


Input: User's query Output: Sort and compute the ranking score for the candidate documents based on the user's query.

Data AOL and Tiangong-ST

hosseinfani commented 11 months ago

@DelaramRajaei thanks for the summary. would you please explain the entire pipeline by an example? some parts are confusing for me like " query change on the semantic level", etc

DelaramRajaei commented 10 months ago

@hosseinfani I added an example to the summary.