fani-lab / SEERa

A framework to predict the future user communities in a text streaming social network based on the users’ topics of interest.
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AAAI2020.EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs #72

Open soroush-ziaeinejad opened 1 year ago

soroush-ziaeinejad commented 1 year ago

Main problem:

The main problem of the paper is the ability to train graph convolutional networks (GCNs) on dynamic graphs, which are graphs that change over time.


The proposed method can be applied to various tasks such as dynamic graph prediction, node classification, and link prediction on dynamic graphs.

Existing Work:

The authors mention that existing works on dynamic graph analysis have primarily focused on static graphs and methods that can't capture the temporal dynamics of the graph. The proposed method aims to overcome these limitations. WILL BE COMPLETED


The proposed method, called EvolveGCN, is based on the idea of developing GCNs. A GCN is trained on a sequence of snapshots of the dynamic graph, and the parameters of the GCN are updated at each time step using a technique called evolutionary graph convolution. WILL BE COMPLETED

Input and output:

The input is a sequence of snapshots of the dynamic graph, and the output is a prediction for the future graph state.

Experimental Setup:


hosseinfani commented 1 year ago

@soroush-ziaeinejad you can motivate your work by saying that no study investigate the effect on community prediction task and you want to do this. :)