fani-lab / SEERa

A framework to predict the future user communities in a text streaming social network based on the users’ topics of interest.
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IJCAI2019.Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs #73

Open soroush-ziaeinejad opened 1 year ago

soroush-ziaeinejad commented 1 year ago

Why did I choose this paper? This paper is directly related to the graph embedding layer of SEERa. They propose an algorithm that learn the changes in the nodes and edges of a graph over time and they claim their algorithm can be used for prediction tasks. Also, the code of this framework is also available.

Main problem:

Using temporal information from a graph to generate more comprehensive node embedding representations that preserves both network structure and dynamics.


Social Network Analysis, Recommendation Systems, and Fraud Detection.

Existing work:



A temporal graph, which is a graph where the edges and/or nodes have timestamps associated with them.


A vector representation (embedding) of each node in the graph.


This paper presents an extension to the current method for learning features in graph data, by taking into account the temporal aspects of the graph. Other studies have attempted to improve static node embeddings by considering historical information, but this work aims to use both node and edge dynamics to create more informative embeddings for use in temporal prediction tasks. The proposed approach is unique in that it offers an end-to-end system that can be optimized for a specific task, and its evaluation demonstrates its effectiveness on various datasets for both temporal link prediction and node classification tasks when compared to other methods. The feature learning framework of this work can be described as below: goal: finding a feature vector for each node at time t. tasks: two major prediction tasks are considered, Node Classification (categorical cross-entropy loss) and Link Prediction (binary classification loss) optimizer: Adam


Experimental Setup:

Datasets: Links are available in the paper.

  1. arXiv hep-ph: research publication graph
  2. Facebook friendships: graph of the Facebook social network. Who is a friend of whom?
  3. Facebook wall posts: graph of the Facebook social network. Who posts on another user's wall?
  4. CollegeMsg: online social network
  5. PPI: protein-protein interactions
  6. Slashdot: social news website
  7. Cora: research publication graph
  8. DBLP: bibliographic network of computer science publications



  1. Node2vec
  2. Temporal Matrix Factorization (TMF) - 2011
  3. Temporally Factorized Network Modeling (TFNM) - 2017
  4. Continuous-Time Dynamic Network Embeddings (CTDNE) - 2018
  5. Hawkes process-based Temporal Network Embedding (HTNE) - 2019
  6. DynamicTriad (DynTri) - 2018

Node embedding of the last time step is considered as the final embedding (similar to SEERa)


The authors use several tasks such as link prediction, classification, and clustering to evaluate the quality of the embeddings generated by the method.

temporal link prediction: Results outperform other baselines on all datasets. However, the difference between the best model so far and tNodeEmbed is around 0.001 for some datasets. Metric: AUC. Datasets: all. multi-label node classification: With a good superiority, tNodeEmbed outperforms other baselines for this task. Datasets: Cora and DBLP. Metrics: Micro-F1, Macro-F1, AUC


The code of this paper is available on: Code


The medium page of this paper is available on: Medium