fanliang11 / surging

Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. support Event-based Asynchronous Pattern and reactive programming ,The service engine supports http, TCP, WS,Grpc, Thrift,Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, and integrates it. Hash, random, polling, Fair Polling as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service governance to ensure reliable RPC communication, the engine contains Diagnostic, link tracking for protocol and middleware calls, and integration SkyWalking Distributed APM
MIT License
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TCP network components that support configuring properties #424

Open fanliang11 opened 2 years ago

fanliang11 commented 2 years ago

The following code is to create a TCP network component with configuration properties and configure the rule engine script to decode messages

///The following code is to create a TCP network component with configuration properties and configure the rule engine script to ///decode messages
      var config =new Dictionary<string, object>();
            config.Add("script", @"parser.Fixed(4).Handler(""function(buffer){
                    var buf = BytesUtils.Slice(buffer,1,4);
           var network=  serviceProvider.ServiceProvoider.GetInstances<INetworkProvider<TcpServerProperties>>().CreateNetwork(new TcpServerProperties
               ParserType = PayloadParserType.Script,
               PayloadType = PayloadType.String,
               Host = "",
               Port = 322,
               ParserConfiguration = config

The following code is used to create a TCP network component with configuration properties and configure direct to decode messages

         var network1 = serviceProvider.ServiceProvoider.GetInstances<INetworkProvider<TcpServerProperties>>().CreateNetwork(new TcpServerProperties
                ParserType = PayloadParserType.Direct,
                PayloadType = PayloadType.String,
                Host = "",
                Port = 321 

There are also two types of payload parser: fixedlength and delimited

Create tcp service for message processing

 public class TcpService : TcpBehavior, ITcpService
        private readonly IDeviceProvider _deviceProvider;
        public TcpService(IDeviceProvider deviceProvider)
            _deviceProvider = deviceProvider;

        public override void Load(string clientId,TcpServerProperties tcpServerProperties)
         var deviceStatus =_deviceProvider.IsConnected(clientId);


        public override void DeviceStatusProcess(DeviceStatus status, string clientId, TcpServerProperties tcpServerProperties)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

        public async Task ParserBuffer(IByteBuffer buffer)
            List<string> result = new List<string>();
            while (buffer.ReadableBytes > 0)

            //  var str= buffer.ReadString(buffer.ReadableBytes, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));

            var byteBuffer=  Unpooled.Buffer();
            byteBuffer.WriteString("\r\n", Encoding.UTF8); 
            byteBuffer.WriteString("processing complete", Encoding.UTF8);
            await Sender.SendAndFlushAsync(byteBuffer);
            //  await Sender.SendAndFlushAsync("message received",Encoding.UTF8);


script parser test 图片

direct parser test 图片