Closed seriiserii825 closed 2 years ago
:CocCommand markdownlint.fixAll
to fix.autocmd BufWritePre *.md silent! :call CocAction('runCommand', 'markdownlint.fixAll')
to fix on savenmap <silent> ga <Plug>(coc-codeaction-cursor)
, then ga
will list available code actions.
Hi, thanks for plugin.
I am not familiar with nvim-coc. I installed some plugins coc-css coc-emmet coc-eslint coc-explorer coc-fzf-preview coc-git coc-highlight coc-json coc-phpactor
And i don't understand, how to make to work autofix.
In ~/.config/nvim/keys/mapping.vim i set a keybinding
But it not works.
Also plugin coc-codeaction no longer support, and i can't install them, but i used float mode.
Also, when i press space + a, i got in footer a list of errors, and can switch between them.
Sorry for a stupid, may be, question, i am beginner.