What's the output of :CocCommand rust-analyzer.serverVersion[coc.nvim] rust-analyzer 0.3.1317-standalone (21e61bee8 2022-12-10)
What's your coc-rust-analyzer version? You can get it from :CocList extensions0.70
Prettier and eslint appear to be enabled on .rs files, I have no idea why or if they are affecting this.
I type
let com = Command::new("cd");
Then after going back to Normal mode the screen visually updates to show.
let com: Command = Command::new(program: "cd");
I dislike this, especially considering these are not real inserts. "Command" and "program" which were inserted are visual only, using w or attempting to select them does not work.
Unfortunately, I just installed rust on this machine, and updated vim. which required me to change my vimrc for completion highlighting. Although, I doubt that would effect this.
I think I got your point. It's not Prettier or eslint enabled for Rust file. : Command and program: are inlayHint. You can disable them with inlayHint.enable, check :h coc-inlayHint for more.
What's the output of
:CocCommand rust-analyzer.serverVersion
[coc.nvim] rust-analyzer 0.3.1317-standalone (21e61bee8 2022-12-10)
What's your coc-rust-analyzer version? You can get it from
:CocList extensions
Prettier and eslint appear to be enabled on .rs files, I have no idea why or if they are affecting this.
I type
Then after going back to Normal mode the screen visually updates to show.
I dislike this, especially considering these are not real inserts. "Command" and "program" which were inserted are visual only, using w or attempting to select them does not work.
Unfortunately, I just installed rust on this machine, and updated vim. which required me to change my vimrc for completion highlighting. Although, I doubt that would effect this.
Do you have any idea how to disable this?