fannheyward / coc-rust-analyzer

rust-analyzer extension for coc.nvim
MIT License
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LSP Extensions support #256

Open fannheyward opened 4 years ago

fannheyward commented 4 years ago
Name PR Status
SnippetTextEdit Done #252
CodeAction Groups No Plan
Parent Module Done 14001ac
Join Lines Done #259
On Enter No Plan
SSR Done c47c988
Matching Brace Done ad3656e
Runnables Done d9e8102
Lazy assists with ResolveCodeAction Done ddd83c5
Hover Actions Done 06b4c92
Reload Workspace Done 15bd717
Status Notification Done 3a055d6
Analyzer Status Done 473a2a8
Open External Documentation Done 04c51ad
Open Cargo.toml Done 35958ab
Syntax Tree Done
Expand Macro Done
Inlay Hints chainingHints #220 typeHints eeda508664e6bcb8a9d5059455202c34921db0ae
View Hir Done f5720cc
View File Text Done 3a69d37
Related tests Done c00285d
Hover Actions Done f65c4c2
View Crate Graph Done 198bf44 70a051e
View ItemTree Done 8b49b7d
Lookup workspace symbol Done a1b7e16
Hover Range Done #839
Run flycheck Done e259fca
Cancel running flychecks Done 73248ba
Clear flycheck diagnostics Done e259fca
Rebuild proc macros Done bd049c9
viewMir Done 4254c94
Interpret Function Done 90eb4b7
oblitum commented 4 years ago

fwiw, at #252, the two reports of testers at the end pointed that snippet placeholder selection isn't working.

fannheyward commented 4 years ago

@oblitum selection in same file works as expect, but fails on another file, this also happens with RA+VSCode extension,

I've disabled selection for different file.

oblitum commented 4 years ago

I only tested it in same file, didn't work for me. Meaning, just writing foo() and expanding it I get to the end of the file as reported before, which I thought was the same report by @TimoFreiberg, but I'm not sure he was reporting the same trivial test now.

fannheyward commented 4 years ago

@oblitum can't reproduce the error in same file tests, selection will not go to the end of file.

oblitum commented 4 years ago

k, fwiw, this is my setup:

vim version: NVIM v0.4.3
node version: v14.3.0
coc.nvim version: 0.0.78-3c774fbfa5
coc-rust-analyzer version: 0.7.2
rust-analyzer version: fbb8b88
coc.nivm directory: /home/francisco/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim
platform: linux

If @TimoFreiberg could chime in to state whether this report was about a trivial test in the same file or not, it would be great.

fannheyward commented 4 years ago

@oblitum reproduced your issue, very very weird behavior:

fn main() {
} // -- no new line EOF

this will add foo function with selection on |}|.

fn main() {
// -- with new line EOF

this will add foo function with selection on todo!().

oblitum commented 4 years ago

@fannheyward I confirm it's just like that.

TimoFreiberg commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay, yeah I was also talking about that. Interesting that it seems to work as expected when there's a newline at the end - rustfmt removed that on save so I didn't notice that case.

linde12 commented 3 years ago

@fannheyward realize that i'm late here but i just wanted to chime in on the decorations/inlay hints - currently it is supported for chained calls, but it'd be super nice to have for inferred types as well so that you could do e.g. let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); and analyzer would add decorations like let (tx: Sender<T>, rx: Receiver<T>) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();

fannheyward commented 3 years ago

@linde12 we can't do inlay hints in vim

linde12 commented 3 years ago

@fannheyward yeah i realize this but in nvim we could with the decoration API right? (i assume thats how inlayHints work now for chained calls?)

linde12 commented 3 years ago

@fannheyward Ah, okay now i read that maybe that API doesn't work either (can't insert virtual text in the middle of "real" text) I understand, thanks!

pierreN commented 3 years ago

Is anywhere planed or did I miss something by any chance? thanks

fannheyward commented 3 years ago

@pierreN try :CocList symbols

fannheyward commented 3 years ago

LSP 3.16 will add code action resolving support, need to switch to upstream when LSP 3.16 ready

GopherJ commented 3 years ago

LSP 3.16 has file operations, which can be super useful for rust projects:

resolritter commented 2 years ago

@fannheyward "Range hover" is marked as done but the commit was reverted (, could you please contextualize? Happy to help with the implementation if you need it

fannheyward commented 2 years ago

@resolritter yes, I reverted and pushed it to another branch, the problem is I did find a better way to make Range hover work with nnoremap K. Do you have any ideas?

resolritter commented 2 years ago

the problem is I did find a better way to make Range hover work with nnoremap K. Do you have any ideas?

You're using getSelectedRange while expecting Vim to be in visual mode, however :<C-U> kind of mappings (e.g. xmap <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)) exit visual mode before executing the range and therefore that check will not pass.

While you could use <cmd> mappings to avoid exiting visual mode, exiting is needed to get the visual mode range with '< and '> like here (as far as I'm aware it's not possible to do that while staying in visual mode, you have to exit it first for those marks' positions to be updated).

So, in short, the solution is to make the mapping work like xmap <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected) where you'll detect visualmode() when the mapping is triggered, not after. Here's the doCodeAction code for reference and you'll see that it fetches the visual range using the marks' positions as mentioned.

fannheyward commented 2 years ago

@resolritter sorry for the delay and thank you for your help, I'm busy today, will check this next week.

fannheyward commented 2 years ago

For range hover, you need mappings like vnoremap <silent> K <cmd>call CocActionAsync('doHover')<CR> to work.

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

Almost fn will return something. I felt uncomfortable when use fn snippet but not have a placeholder after braces. It need to be like this:

fn {0}({1}) -> {2} {

If you jump to place holder 2 it will contain available -> for you, you just need to fill in the second placeholder. If you don't, jump to the third placeholder and -> disappear.

fannheyward commented 2 years ago

@HungPham3112 can't reproduce, in my tests, the fn snippet didn't contain ->.

hungpham3112 commented 2 years ago

@HungPham3112 can't reproduce, in my tests, the fn snippet didn't contain ->.

I suggest the new fn snippet contain ->. I said it need to be. Sorry, because my English is bad

fannheyward commented 2 years ago

@HungPham3112 the snippets are came from rust-analyzer, post your feature request to rust-analyzer.

AceofSpades5757 commented 1 year ago

Any plans to implement Inlay Hints now that Vim supports virtual text?

fannheyward commented 1 year ago

@AceofSpades5757 this will add in coc.nvim