fanno / org.jfusion.phpbb31

development repo for phpbb 3.1.x plugin.
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Login issues w/phpBB-master and Joomla-slave #11

Closed StianOby closed 9 years ago

StianOby commented 9 years ago

Sorry for taking so long before I was able to help out with testing phpBB 3.1. I have been very busy designing other stuff for our webpages, and have therefore not had time to tinker with it before now, more or less.

Partly though, the reason for little testing was that I was not able to properly set up our testing environment. At first I thought it was just because I hadn't set up jFusion from scratch for a long time, but now I think that I might have encountered a bug.

As you can see from the config dump, phpBB 3.1 is set as master, with Joomla as slave. Here are the URLs:

In the login checker posted about I try to log in via the login checker using the username/password that works for logging into phpBB. However, it reports wrong password in the login checker, as you can see. Neither am I able to log into joomla with the phpBB username/password.

And, yes, I have disabled all authentication plugins except for "authentication - Cookie". The jFusion authentication plugin is activated and listed first. Despite all this, if I want to log into joomla I have to use the password that I chose in joomla - the plugin does not check against the phpBB password, which it should since it is the master.

So... Am I just an idiot making some config error, or have I encountered a bug?


Login checker:

JFusion phpbb31 Plugin - ↓
    name → phpbb31
    configuration - ↓
        master → 1
        slave → 0
        dual_login → 1
        check_encryption → 1

JFusion joomla_int Plugin - ↓
    name → joomla_int
    configuration - ↓
        master → 0
        slave → 1
        dual_login → 1
        check_encryption → 1

Authentication Plugin - ↓
    status → 4
    error_message → Invalid password
    username → ''
    password → ********
    email → ''
    password_clear → ******

Authentication Plugin Error - ↓
    0 → phpbb31 Password Encryption Check: f4969fd3ad15d2992a65264f70e04c13 vs $2y$10$AVVMI9msqwcgWuJLLwBlPe6H/Ko2dzflMe0D/6uiv0wzDbI1IbY8e
    1 → joomla_int Password Encryption Check: 7388b08ef3a221ec12edbc04f0cc5f58 vs $2y$10$AVVMI9msqwcgWuJLLwBlPe6H/Ko2dzflMe0D/6uiv0wzDbI1IbY8e


Server Configuration - ↓
    Joomla Version → 3.3.6
    PHP Version → 5.4.35
    MySQL Version → 5.1.73-log
    System Information → Linux 2.6.32-042stab044.11 #1 SMP Wed Dec 14 16:02:00 MSK 2011 x86_64
    Browser Information → Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
    joomla user Plugin → Enabled
    cookie authentication Plugin → Enabled
    jfusion user Plugin → Enabled
    jfusion authentication Plugin → Enabled

JFusion Versions - ↓
    JFusion Component Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion Activity Module Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion Login Module Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion Authentication Plugin Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion User Plugin Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion Search Plugin Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 
    JFusion Discussion Plugin Version →  2.1.0-0 (Rev e70be7be818b9d87a50af80e24666c917cce1be8) 

JFusion joomla_int Plugin - ↓
    params - ↓
        description → Current Joomla Site
        source_url →
        login_identifier → 1
        case_insensitive → 1
        username_filter → phpbb31
        autoregister → 0
        update_activation → 1
        update_email → 1
        update_block → 1
        create_inactive → 1
        create_blocked → 1
        allow_connections → 0
        secret → b0734e4b5a
        allow_redirect_login → 0
        allow_redirect_logout → 0
        redirecturl_login → ''
        redirecturl_logout → ''
    id → 1
    name → joomla_int
    dual_login → 1
    original_name → null
    master → 0
    slave → 1
    updateusergroups → false
    usergroups - ↓
        0 - ↓
            0 → 2

JFusion phpbb31 Plugin - ↓
    params - ↓
        description → phpBB3
        source_url →
        source_path → /srv/nannyhome/halonorge/webroot/dev/forum/
        login_identifier → 1
        login_type → 1
        database_type → mysqli
        database_host →
        database_name → halonorge_dev
        database_user → halonorge
        database_password → ************
        database_prefix → phpbb31_
        database_charset → utf8
        database_new_link → 0
        update_activation → 1
        update_email → 1
        update_block → 1
        create_inactive → 1
        create_blocked → 1
        allow_delete_users → 1
        utf8_advanced → disabled
        cookie_domain →
        cookie_path → /
        cookie_prefix → phpbb3_5gpjs
        secure → 0
        httponly → 0
        allow_autologin → 1
        sefmode → 0
        redirect_itemid → ''
        mod_ids → 0
        lostpassword_url → ''
        register_url → ''
        edit_account_url → ''
        edit_profile_url → ''
        edit_avatar_url → ''
    id → 2
    name → phpbb31
    dual_login → 1
    original_name → null
    master → 1
    slave → 0
    updateusergroups → true
    usergroups - ↓
        0 - ↓
            defaultgroup → 2

mod_jfusion_login Module - ↓
    params - ↓
        moduleclass_sfx → ''
        pretext → ''
        posttext → ''
        login → ''
        logout → ''
        name → 0
        usesecure → 0
        show_rememberme → 1
        show_labels → 1
        layout → vertical
        itemid → phpbb31
        lostpassword_url → ''
        lostpassword_show → 1
        lostusername_url → ''
        lostusername_show → 1
        register_url → ''
        register_show → 1
        greeting → 1
        custom_greeting → ''
        avatar → 1
        avatar_height → 80
        avatar_width → 60
        avatar_software → jfusion
        itemidAvatarPMs → ''
        pmcount → 1
        viewnewmessages → 1
        cache → 0
        cache_time → 900
        module_tag → div
        bootstrap_size → 0
        header_tag → h3
        header_class → ''
        style → 0
    id → 93
    published → 1
    module → mod_jfusion_login

search Plugin - ↓
    params - ↓
        0 → false
    type → search
    name → jfusion

content Plugin - ↓
    params - ↓
        jname → ''
        itemid → ''
        link_text → ''
        link_type → text
        link_target → _self
        link_mode → article
        blog_link_mode → forum
        enable_comment_in_forum_button → 0
        comment_in_forum_link_text → ''
        comment_in_forum_link_type → text
        overwrite_readmore → 1
        show_reply_num → 1
        enable_initiate_buttons → 1
        show_posts → article
        post_header → ''
        no_posts_msg → ''
        show_refresh_link → 1
        show_toggle_posts_link → 1
        collapse_discussion → 1
        enable_pagination → 1
        limit_posts → ''
        sort_posts → DESC
        character_limit → ''
        show_date → 1
        date_format → ''
        show_user → 1
        display_name → 0
        user_link → 0
        userlink_software → jfusion
        userlink_custom → ''
        show_avatar → 0
        avatar_height → 80
        avatar_width → 60
        avatar_keep_proportional → 0
        avatar_software → jfusion
        enable_quickreply → 0
        must_login_msg → Login to reply
        locked_msg → Topic is locked for posting
        quick_reply_header → ''
        jumpto_new_post → 0
        quickreply_allow_guests → 0
        moderate_guests → 1
        captcha_mode → question
        captcha_question → What is 2 + 3?
        captcha_answer → 5
        recaptcha_privatekey → ''
        recaptcha_publickey → ''
        recaptcha_theme → red
        recaptcha_lang → en
        auto_create → 0
        test_mode → 1
        create_thread → load
        use_content_created_date → 0
        include_categories → ''
        exclude_categories → ''
        pair_categories → ''
        include_k2_categories → ''
        excluded_k2_categories → ''
        pair_k2_categories → ''
        use_article_userid → 1
        default_userid → ''
        first_post_text → intro
        first_post_link → 1
        first_post_link_text → ''
        first_post_link_type → text
        debug → 0
        default_forum → null
    type → content
    name → jfusion
fanno commented 9 years ago

maybe something has changed what exact version are you using ? i don't get that error on my end

StianOby commented 9 years ago

What exact version of the plugin? I'm not sure. Can try downloading it from github and overwriting later tonight to be certain that I am on the latest version.

fanno commented 9 years ago

sorry i meany phpbb =( i should have been more spesefic. i cant recreate it on my end.

StianOby commented 9 years ago

Sorry for bothering you, I got it working now after updating phpBB and the plugin. Will test the discussbot now.