fanq15 / FewX

FewX is an open-source toolbox on top of Detectron2 for data-limited instance-level recognition tasks.
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Difference between final_split_non_voc_instances_train2017.json and your log file #15

Closed GuangxingHan closed 4 years ago

GuangxingHan commented 4 years ago

I follow the step 2 to generate final_split_non_voc_instances_train2017.json. The result dataset is slightly different to you training log. I am wondering whether I missed something? Thanks.

` category #instances category #instances category #instances
person 0 bicycle 0 car 0
motorcycle 0 airplane 0 bus 0
train 0 truck 4483 boat 0
traffic light 1545 fire hydrant 1172 stop sign 1130
parking meter 511 bench 3977 bird 0
cat 0 dog 0 horse 0
sheep 0 cow 0 elephant 4007
bear 1241 zebra 4090 giraffe 4481
backpack 2632 umbrella 3634 handbag 3029
tie 2666 suitcase 3102 frisbee 1343
skis 2570 snowboard 1296 sports ball 848
kite 1327 baseball bat 996 baseball gl.. 749
skateboard 2922 surfboard 3377 tennis racket 1693
bottle 0 wine glass 2069 cup 6270
fork 2498 knife 2743 spoon 2037
bowl 5207 banana 3753 apple 2231
sandwich 2972 orange 2765 broccoli 4347
carrot 2964 hot dog 1829 pizza 3846
donut 4160 cake 3422 chair 0
couch 0 potted plant 0 bed 3005
dining table 0 toilet 3464 tv 0
laptop 2289 mouse 918 remote 1480
keyboard 1351 cell phone 2602 microwave 670
oven 1346 toaster 73 sink 2858
refrigerator 1271 book 3823 clock 2682
vase 2982 scissors 968 teddy bear 3386
hair drier 119 toothbrush 783
total 148004


fanq15 commented 4 years ago

I fixed a small bug in the step 2 script which will not affect the performance.

GuangxingHan commented 4 years ago
