fantahund / VoxelMap

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Duplicate / Moving Particle Rendering issue on 1.21 #46

Open xane256 opened 1 month ago

xane256 commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing an issue where particles are often duplicated or drawn in the wrong place. The incorrectly drawn particles don't stay in place or in a fixed world location like particles should. Instead, they move / change position as I move the camera around and look in different directions. I reproduced the issue with only the client mods Voxelmap and Fabric API enabled in prism launcher.

I first noticed this issue while raiding end cities, because the path particles of shulker bullets were all drawn in the wrong places and seemed to move around as I looked around and moved the camera.

Here is another image taken from the exact same position, but looking in a different direction:

Notice how the duplicate green waypoint marker has moved to the RIGHT of the actual marker, and the cat digging particles are now directly above the cat. If I look slightly more upwards into the sky, the duplicate waypoint markers disappear behind the horizon and the cat particles disappear into the ground.

xane256 commented 1 month ago

Workaround: set In-Game Waypoints to "Beacons" or turn them off in the settings or with a hotkey.

I've found that with in-game waypoints set to "Signs" or "Both", the problem occurs. As soon as I disable the in-game waypoints with a hotkey, the problem is fixed and all particles are drawn in the correct place.