fantasycalendar / FoundryVTT-ItemPiles-Bankers

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issue with banker #1

Open tirzah2 opened 12 months ago

tirzah2 commented 12 months ago

Hi! i installed today the item piles bankers, and i have a strange issue. My first player created the vault, and it worked. Then the other players when they tried, instead of asking them to create a new vault and pay 50gp, it just opened the vault of the first player.

have i done something wrong?

Haxxer commented 12 months ago

This doesn't happen to me, could you upload a video of this happening?

tirzah2 commented 12 months ago

Hi Haxxer, i hope it make sense. first i create the banker, then i login with another player, create the vault, then i login with a third player, and the third player see the bank vault of the first one without asking if he wants a vault opened.

Haxxer commented 12 months ago

Strange. Please provide the following:

tirzah2 commented 12 months ago

Foundry Virtual Tabletop: Version 11 Stable, 11.304 Game System: dnd5e, 2.2.2 image

Haxxer commented 12 months ago

This is my current setup of the banker, what does yours look like?


tirzah2 commented 12 months ago


tirzah2 commented 12 months ago

i even created a new player and a new user, bbb (player35), just to make sure there was no issue with my current players. But no, even bbb when he opens the banker sees Aurio's Bank (the first player that opened an account) image

Haxxer commented 12 months ago

To help you further, I'd need to take a look in your server to see what's going wrong - contact me on Discord, my username is wasp