fantasycalendar / FoundryVTT-ItemPiles

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Add 'getItemTypesThatCanStack' to the api for support some operation on external modules #536

Closed p4535992 closed 4 months ago

Haxxer commented 4 months ago

What does this provide that game.itempiles.API.canItemStack() doesn't?

p4535992 commented 4 months ago

ok i'll close this PR because is make no sense with that method (i was confused from the actor parameter but now i see is optional) and i need the type strign reference like "tool", my current issue is that I would need to create simple items in a multi-system way something very simple with only the name and the image:

 type: "", // ??? can i retrieve this with item piles in some way ?

How can i get a base type for the items with item piles ? maybe add a new system property "ITEM_CLASS_TYPE": "loot", like you already done for "ACTOR_CLASS_TYPE": "character", ? i was trying to avoid that